Nov 16, 2005 18:26
I just got my Ethical Egoism paper back and received yet another A even though it was completely shortly before class. Apparently the framework and the fluency of how well I could explain everything was very good according to the teacher. I also have yet another paper, but perhaps I shall start this one a bit sooner; it's due the 30th. It is basically to compare Immanuel Kant's Deontology and Jeremy Bentham's Utilitarianism. I think it shall be quite easy. In short, the scenario: A new drug may be the possible cure for AIDS. 100 AIDS patients will be inited to sign up for a research study to test the drug's effectiveness. To qualify for the study, a patient has to agree to stop using all of their current treatments, and only to use the experimental drug during the study. Half of the patients will only get a placebo pill and none of the 100 patients will know that half of them are receiving one.
In other news, I slept from when I got home from work, at about 5, until 1, only interrupted a few times by phone calls, one being Courtney and I didn't mind that. I then went to Steak n' Shake until 8. Justin, Josh, and Nick were there, as well as the workers Travis, Anthony, and Gary. A fun night ensued what with calling other Sn'Ss and ringing up a 12 minute description of a Frisco melt and various other calls and activities. I also completed, once all of the amusment was finished, some of my ethics homeowork. I expected since I had missed the previous 2 classes that we had definitely finished Utilitarianism and possibly Deontology. Therefore, I set out to read the chapter on Deontology and the one on Rights Ethics but only finished Deontology. Apparently they just started it today. I should probably start reading some of the Gospels before heading to my religions class, but I know that we will discuss them in class before writing on them and I shall get another 9.5/10 as usual.