Apr 28, 2004 02:06
(*ADVISORY* I wrote this under heavy consumption of non-sleep, and tired attitude of (reading everybody's bitch-ass terrible poetry. I'm not saying all peotry is bad, (but I've read A LOT of bad armature poetry in my day. Whenever you tell someone (you're a writer, they think you're a damn critic and beg you to read their work. I (take writing very serious, and sadly, I'm big on holding back criticism. So here I (deliver "Kill Me Now..." a poem of yuppy Bitch-Ass people who can't laugh about (things and make writing and interesting, instead they got to make it damn fancy and (boring. To those people, I say pick up some J.D. Salinger. That guy kicked ass! (Do you know why? Because he was a recluse asshole who bitched about everything, (and contradicted himself with humor. That's why I love Salinger so much. So for (all those sorry-ass poems I've had to read, but not all the peoms, just the (sorry-ass ones, this one is for you.)
Kill Me Now...
My life is terrible
I hate my parents
I hate everyone
Slit my wrist
Let my wounds flow with blood
There is no purpose for me to live anymore
I have no use for this hell you call earth
Or that you call family
These chains will latch me to the ground
My dreams are all an illusion
I hate you mommy
I hate you daddy
You suck major balls
You treat me like a slave in this world
I bet you love cracking that whip
And leaving those scars
I cry,
You crack it harder.
"Work!" You exclaim
The whip strikes my back,
It rips the flesh off my bones
I am the Jesus of this God-forsaken scenario
The trash can is my cross
I bare it down the driveway
My reputation will be crucified as I lay the trash out
What did I do to deserve this?
Why wouldn't you by that American Eagle shirt?
Those $70 jeans?
My parents are evil
I hope they die
They will suffer for my pain.
Instead I am locking in my room
My corner.
...For eternity.