Sep 21, 2006 22:43
Britishness Meme
1. Do you prefer to drink PG Tips or Sainsbury's own tea?
Any tea apart from Early Grey is good tea.
2. When was the last time you watched TOTP?
When I was 9. I'm 29 now.
3. Have you ever been to a pub?
Yes, several times.
4. Ever drank cider in a park?
Yuk, no.
5. Customised your school uniform?
No, I liked mine.
6. Spend over £10 a week topping up your mobile?
Maybe £10 every 3 months.
7. Shopped at Aldi/Lidl/Netto?
Yes, they do great hardware bargains.
8. When did you start to go out clubbing?
I went to a rock club starting at age 18, once a week. For about 3 months
9. Laughed at kids with 'free lunch' meal tokens?
Heck no, I have to manage those systems.
10. Do you call your mum by her first name?
11. Have you ever shopped at New Look?
12. How much are you willing to spend on a pair of shoes?
13. Have you ever played a game of cricket?
No. It bores me.
14. Did you like to play rounders at school?
15. Ever been made to do PE in your underwear because you forgot your kit?
No, and if they'd tried that, I'd have refused.
16. Favourite flavour of crisps?
Beef and Onion.
17. Do you eat fish and chips regularly or have them wrapped in newspaper?
Sometimes, yes.
18. What do you order from McDonalds?
Chicken nuggets and chips.
19. Do you think £5.50 is a lot to go see a film at the pictures?
Depends on the film. 50p was too much to go and see JFK, for instance.
20. Do you drive or own a car?
Yes, and yes.
21. What did you do for your 'sweet 16th'?
22. Favoured alcoholic drink?
Mavre daphne red wine.
23. Look to the right?
Jem, laptop, table, bookshelf.
24. Look to the left?
Crap. on a table. And a chair.
25. Friends with a chav?
No. Maybe.
26. Lived on or near a council estate?
27. Where would you class yourself at school?
As an individual.
28. Do you think we should bring back the £1 note?
Maybe...a 99p coin certainly.
29. Do you think we should convert to the Euro?
30. Do you agree with the Royal Family?
I like Prince Phillip.
31. Have you ever been to London?
3-4 times.
32. Blackpool?
Oh yes.
33. Ireland or Scotland?
34. Ever watched a football, rugby or a cricket match on TV or in real life?
Not willingly, no.
35. How much do you get paid a month?
Around £800.
36. Do you listen to Radio One?
I rarely listen to the radio
37. Do you have Sky TV?
No. Freeview, and the net for porn. No more is needed..:)
38. Do you have a bulldog tattooed to your arm?
No. I dislike tattoos.
39. Do you say phrases like 'safe', 'innit', 'bloody', 'bugger' etc.?
Bloody, bugger, tosswankbollocks, etc etc etc.."safe" and "innit"
40. Been in the Channel Tunnel?
41. Have you ever been to the 'cheap man' Disneyworld in France?
42. Where have you been on your school trips?
Wales, centre of alternative technology
43. Do your parents have a school photo in their purse/wallet?
44. How many pairs of trousers do you own?
45. ... and underwear?
Pass, but if I run out, I wear Jems.
46. Been to the bookies/made a bet?
47. Where do you do your food shopping?
Tesco and Iceland.
48. Where is an average weekend spent?
At home.
49. Are you proud to be British?
Yes, I suppose I am.