Last night I hung out with Stein in Hamilton for one last go at university partying. WE drank steins absinthe before and it tasted like black licorice and it didn't really do much except make me drunk and energetic, which is good but i really wanted to hallucinate. I also got a lot of free pizza pie. So now i fully consider school officially over i suppose. I start junking on thursday but I have this subtitle editor job that I'm waiting to hear about that can save me from long days and garbage dumps.
The new family guy episode got leaked. you can stream it here Hopefully it still works.
i saw rob jabbaz on muchmusic's going coastal program because he has a comic book with some dudes in halifax. he didn't say anything though. some other guy hogged/they edited out everything rob said. maybe he swore.
andy scott and I finished out big detective flint script and everyone will laugh hopefully. you can check it out in July and we can alllll have fun.
I'm thinking about going somewhere after we go to san francisco and blowing all my money. maybe spain or antarctica. JUST JOKING IT'S COLD THERE! so if anyone wants to come with me then sign up outside Room 245.
sorry i suck at journals nowadays.