We have lift-off!

Oct 18, 2007 19:41

OK, this feels very strange with it being my first attempt, but here goes :-) Oh, and if you can't read this because it's tiny or the colour makes your eyes sting, then please let me know and I can change these things for my next entry!

Today was pretty uneventful... I had planned on taking myself to Southport on the train for lunch, but I left it a bit late, and I was also expecting a telephone call from Manchester University once again telling me they were full (I have tried to explain this to my parents numerous times, but they won't listen). Tomorrow's plan is that one of my mother's friends will be coming round and we'll go out for lunch somewhere nice, so that'll be fun. I shall also have to start fiddling round with UCAS once more, but I'm not sure what to do for the best. Manchester didn't exactly state this, but they made it pretty clear that I would be able to apply asap and be given a firm offer, so that'd be nice. (Haven't had anything firm for a long time... sorry Tom!) I'm a little bit hesitant to choose just Manchester, but really that's the only university I can see myself going to at the moment, as I want to stay at home and get the train in when I'm needed there. Anyway, shall have to think more about that :-/

In other news, I had an e-mail from Miss Coyle (Head of Classics in the Girls' Division at Bolton - I'm hoping most of you avid readers will know these people, or at least get to know them... I'm not really going for wide readership!) and she was asking how I was getting on at Warwick and that she and Mrs Partington were worried because they hadn't heard from me for so long. That was odd, as I sent an e-mail to both them and Dr Reeson (VC's equivalent in the Boys' Division) at the beginning of this month, saying that I wasn't going to Warwick and explained my reasons, and that I hoped I'd hear from them soon with advice as to how to keep busy for the year! However, nothing came, and to tell the truth, I was a bit miffed as I like to think I did a fair bit for that school and the Classics department in particular, but I reasoned that once you stopped paying the fees, then they really weren't that bothered about you. After all, you're just another former pupil... I guess they'd get through hundreds of former pupils in their careers.

How wrong was I! I got a lovely e-mail this morning from Dr Reeson (when he should've been in Full Assembly - [tuts]!) saying that they hadn't heard from me since the summer, so evidently my e-mail never reached its destination. He also said that he was very sorry to hear of my circumstances, that he was sure that I did the right thing in withdrawing (that's everyone vs. SWH, then, who didn't think I should've pulled out). SWH were friends, well, I think we still are, but we had a bit of a blip in the summer when I volunteered to help out in the library after exams. He wasn't keen on that, but tolerated it while I was a pupil there. I decided I'd like to go in over the summer and carry on helping out, but I was told in no uncertain terms when he met me the day before the Autumn Term started that my help was no longer required. I was pretty miffed, but seemingly he's been doing this to everyone that's been helping out of their own accord. He was as nice as pie once I was out of the library, and while he wasn't particularly friendly on the phone when I told him about withdrawing, he did seem concerned and offered to help in whatever way, which I thought was nice.

Anyway, I think that's enough for today! I shall write later if I think of anything else, though! :P
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