Fic: Adventuring

Jan 18, 2008 21:34

Title: Adventuring
Pairing: Tosh/new character from season 2
Rating/Warning: A little swearing, a little (vague) sex. SPOILERS FOR TW SEASON 2 CHARACTER
Summary: While Jack was away, the Torchwood team all changed slightly. Tosh came out of her shell.
Author's Notes: I thought they looked like a good couple, that's all I'm saying.


While Jack was away, everyone had had time to calm down a little.
It may not have been quite so exciting, but a few weeks with a little less alien activity and less all-round mystery meant that Owen had relaxed a bit, Gwen had spent more time with Rhys, and Ianto had actually redecorated his flat. Tosh had helped him, and it had relaxed her too, but in the lull Tosh had just relaxed overall. She decided not to worry about her family, her job, her sexuality or her depressing lack of a love life - it was depressing when the week’s highlight of your ‘love-life’ was a peck on the cheek from Ianto when you brought him a cup of tea, post-painting.
No, she decided to just take everything in her life as it came, and to be a little more...adventurous. Couldn’t do any harm. Not reckless, just a bit more active, little less passive. So she went out a couple of evenings. Nothing much, met an old University friend in town for a few days, and ended up in a bar, chatting to the barman.  Joined a neighbour’s Girls-Night-In club masquerading as a book club. Even went back to the bar on her own, and chatted to the barman a bit more - so it wasn’t love, but there were a few dates, and her bed felt a little less empty. She wasn’t exactly over Owen, but she to appreciate there were other things too, as it were, and whilst it wasn’t nearly at Jack’s level, her self-confidence slowly rose.
She was glad Jack was back though. It was easy to commit to too much introspection in this job. So back to the job, anyway. Charge in, gun out, categorise...he’s bipedal, humanoid, and blond. Hot, actually.

“Oh, pretty little friend...”
Mmmm, but damn she was going to have to start worrying about the bad-boy/bad-girl thing. First Mary, now... what was his name again? Right, John. But she could restrain herself, if he was the enemy. Mind you, she could have sworn Gwen looked a little perturbed...

“Oh but I was a good wife!”
“I bet you were...What? Don’t pretend you haven’t noticed - he’s cute.”
OK, so maybe she really was getting more adventurous - how had that slipped out? Owen’s glance had held all the derision she’d expect, but Captain John’s speculative look more than made up for it - and was Jack giving her the same look? She felt her confidence edge up a bit again, before her brain told her to shut up and think about the situation at hand. Right, focusing.

“When we get back to the Hub I can run a city-wide scan on radiation surges, and cross-reference that with the Rift activity during that time span.”
“What are you, the brains and the beauty?”
Wow, he really was cute. Not to encourage him or anything, but...


So he had turned out to be evil, but Tosh knew they’d be seeing Captain John Hart again...too much left over angst with Jack for a start. She could wait. Never knew, he might be on their side next time.


She didn’t always admit it, but she loved being right. He had come back, and he’d been enemies with their enemy -that was close to being on their side, surely? So without being over-confident, she kept up her side of the flirting with the newly-dashing Captain Hart. And, what a surprise, he noticed...


Much later, panting and writhing under the naked form of said Captain, Tosh had just long enough to appreciate that sometimes, adventurous really was a good thing to be. And supple, mind you - Captain Hart was very imaginative.

torchwood, tosh/captain john, fic

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