A meme thing of pretty-boys...picspam excuse....

Aug 23, 2007 19:34




A meme from


(1) List 5 celebrities you would probably have sex with, no questions asked.
(2) Put them in order.
(3) Say which movie/show/thing it was that hooked you.
(4) Supply photos for said people.
(5) Tag onwards...

(5) David Tennant
A common affliction for Who fans, I think the man's gorgeous. And charming. And funny. And now I need to remind myself why he's only number 5. I have liked Ten-inch since Blackpool, but cannot deny my crush developed quickly when he played Casanova and then became my Doctor. Also, he has a thing for licking inanimate objects (making for some fantastic pr0n), and has a very expressive face. I am aware he has a very pretty girlfriend, but I do fangirl him. 

(4) John Barrowman
Yes, I know he's gay (and married), thank you very much, but the fact remains that he is extremely shaggable. I could pretend I only fangirled him after hearing his voice, but that would be a lie...he has a fantastic voice that means he has inspired my to investigate musical theatre more, but I also, orginally (DW) found him very pretty. Another reason I can't help but be a little in love with JB is that he manages to squeeze totally outrageous comments into virtually every interview, and has an addiction to showing off his bum. Not the worst habit in the world, surely. And he has a very nice ass too. Final reason? He's CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS. Who wouldn't like Captain Jack? 

(3) Lee Mead
Yes, he is that bloke that won that Joseph show on BBC1 in the UK. Yes, I know he's not that famous (*is scared of blaspheming in case fellow Mead fans see her*), but the boy is lovely, talented, and fills a loincloth in ways I hadn't dreamed about until after the first show. And after I saw him on stage. The man is HOT, and also has a girlfriend... Another plus is that teh musical Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat requires a lot of onstage shirtlessness (of which I have some lovely icons, thanks to
jhava) and ADWD gave lots of footage and picspam. Hurrah for the Beeb, who have provied me with all of my three guys so far (and JB was in ADWD, it really was a good show :))

(2) Somewhat predictably for a teenage girl, Orlando Bloom
I know, I know, I've heard all the reasons why I shouldn't fancy him (he's got no talent, he's wimpy and effeminate, fantasy films are stupid, etc etc etc), but I do, so there. I liked him as Legolas, bought Kingdom of Heaven on DVD and still have his poster on my wall. So sue me.
Obviously I first knew him from Lord of the Rings, which was kinda my first step into fandom (but not very far), but have watched most of his (more mainstream) stuff since. One of the things that put me off Rings fandom is that the character and actor are often represented as gay, which is CRUEL, since he is the only person on my list that is not seriously involved with anyone or gay.

(1) on my list is Johnny Depp
The reason I didn't mention Pirates of the Caribbean much in the slot above. Twice my age, happily married to a beautiful (and skinnny) lady, with kids, and a little odd looking to some people, I still refuse to feel ashamed. The man is a god, and I wouldn't really ask any questions, through my incoherency of being near him. I became hooked after seeing Edward Scissorhands a while ago (although I didn't fancy him), methodically worked my way through 21 Jump Street recently, and Pirates was a blessing. Ahhh, Captain Jack Sparrow. Attractive to innumberable quantities of women, and probably men as well, he is gorgeous and, from interviews I've read, extremely interesting and amusing.

Almost there:
Simon Amstell - but it seemed wrong to have too many gay guys on the list, thereby reusing my chances....oh, you get the drift.

John Simm - The MASTER, and in Life on Mars, people.

Daniel Radcliffe - Pervy? Perhaps, but I'm only one year older than him. Questions would need to be asked however, such as "Are you sure you're legal?" and "Can you get home afterwards?"

Daniel Craig - who wouldn't shag Daniel Craig?

Oh dear, I have quite a lot of crushes, don't I? And I appear to have written an essay on each, which I don't think was what the meme required. And if you see anything I've missed, be my guest to include your suggestions in the comment. This may well be my longest post EVAH. I don't know where all of the pictures were from originally, but I commented at the time (they're all on my harddrive). Please tell me to take them down if you recognise them and object. A lot are from google and the Beeb, god bless 'em.

Also, I don't know if this meme has been done to death before, but if not, consider yourself tagged. And this is the end of my post :) Well Done, if you're still reading....

rl, picspam, meme

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