I went to AUSA again this year for the second time. But this time I wasn't a con-virgin!
I only went on Friday and Saturday so technically the convention isn't over at my time of writing this.
Overall I had a lot of fun. The only downside is that there was meandering galore in between waiting for good panels to come up. The artists were great. The dealers room was...not so great. Most of the same stuff that no one buys. The highlights were cheap manga and a vendor who was selling traditionally Asian things. I looked for a good figurine but failed in my mission because they were either cheap busty girls from nonexistent series, cheap busty girls from overly popular series, or busty girls in $100 boxes. The panels were AMAZING! Last year the FUNimation panel was overflowing with fat middle aged men and the other panels only had a few people. But this year Funi actually had extra seats and the other panels had an audience. :) The cosplayers were great too. I didn't take that many pictures this year though. There might have been less people at the convention overall.
On Friday, me and Alli were steampunk. We got... four or five pictures taken of us. c: One girl liked the necklace I made so much that she wanted to buy it on the spot. The steampunk band that was playing there tried to sell me a cd and started talking about all this stuff like I'm totally into the steampunk culture. I'm sorry sir! I'm ignorant!
The Funi panel was kinda bad with its old men and ridiculous anime previews. Yup, we're not getting anything good any time soon. Well, except for Summer Wars.
In the dealer's room I got to try on a corset. OMG I WAS SO TINY and the lady was so nice, she gave us business cards with our sizes on them so we wouldn't be pressured to shell out our money on the spot. Corsets are AWESOME though, I'd totally get one in the future.
Ahh, Alli wanted to check out some manga so we went to the manga library (emphasis on the LIBRARY). The description is as follows: "Want to unwind between events? Let the comfort of the relaxing Manga Room ease your wearing body. We've got over 250 volumes of manga, so you're sure to find something you like!" Wow! This place sounds like fun! Look at all these chairs around the room! Look at that manga! I think I'll read that one-- "Excuse me! You're not allowed there," say the men in behind the counter.
...okaaaay. Wait a second, am I not allowed to read any of these? I thought it was implied from the name and the description. Wouldn't the next logical thing be to ask me if you could get me something? Or maybe even clarify that the books are just for show? Also, if you don't want someone to cross a certain point, you draw a line, or put a sign up that says "Ask" or "Just for show". That whole situation pissed me off a little.
On Saturday I cosplayed for the first timeee ;w; as Raimei. Ahh, I'm going to talk about THAT experience when I do a cosplay post, probably next weekend.
I was there and Alli had a shoelace I could attach my sword to. I asked Zolo how he attached his three swords and he showed me that he had sewn them to his pants. Oh my.
We spent a lot of time wandering today. Alli had some things on her bucket list that we went to like writing panels and watching some shows. Ackk, did not like the shows we saw *cough* that she saw. >>
We went up the elevator for once! The lines for the elevators are usually long and you have to wait forever for them to come. But it's worth it when they get there. You get to look out the window and see eeeeeverything from the top! Now I know how people get to their rooms because I swear the steps don't go all the way up. My next question was what people would do if there was a fire.
Found my friend and started making fun of the size of her penis. This one guy freaked out "That little girl just said penis!" xD He thought I was 13. boo. We had a pimp off with another group and totally won! even if the other girl had three women
The last panel before we left was the perfect way to end the day! It was called How to Not be a Weeaboo. AHAHAHA HILARITY! The whole room was actually discussing the topic seriously and it was fun! There was lots of debate about what constitutes being a weeaboo, whether it doesn't apply to just anime, whether doing just some nerdy things makes you a weeaboo, how far we would go to avoid being associated with anime, and all kinds of good stuff. Oh maaan, there was this black woman in a kimono holding onto 9 plushies I swear, and she said she had been to Japan and that they aren't that xenophobic. UM YES THEY ARE. I'm half Asian and the Japanese airport was scary as heck, I was so out of place. When I got to Thailand it was a whole different kind of Asian atmosphere. One where you don't feel like the people want you out of their country. We made a friend at that panel too. He always made these sarcastic comments disproving whatever anyone else said. One guy said he didn't want anyone to know he was at the convention because his employer would think he was a freak. Our friend said "like your employer doesn't already think your a freak with your long hair." ahahaha....
Steampunk costume pictures are coming up this week, cosplay pictures either next weekend or right after. :)))
I'm sorry if there are typos, I'm not rereading this.