Oct 25, 2008 12:27
I have not posted in awhile, but I figured what the hell.
I have spent a little too much time watching election coverage recently, which has made me put more thought into why I have the political views that I have.
Generally speaking I adhere to the opinion that all politicians (of either party) are pretty well worthless and corrupt. So I have never been one to vote on party line so much as I try to pick the one who I think will do the least amount of harm or -gasp- actually do something useful for our country.
The fact of the matter is that both parties have their fair share of crackheads and idiots, but recently elections have become more about religion than politics. Perhaps it has always been that way and I am just slow to notice. I find it particularly disturbing that one of our political parties has apparently become entirely oriented toward crazy religious fundamentalists and anyone who disagrees with them (IE the other party) is a bunch of unpatriotic pinko commie/socialists.
In particular the use of labels such as "conservative" and "liberal" has really started to piss me off.
If you follow the rhetoric it boils down to:
All conservatives are God-fearing and hard working, they are the only ones who have this intangible ideal we call morals, therefore they have the moral obligation to tell everyone how to live their lives, because... um God said so!
All liberals are tree-huggers who want high taxes to pay for more welfare, they fuck children and kill puppies... or is it the other way around with those godless liberals?!
The stereotypes are thick on both sides, and neither point of view is fully right or fully wrong, see earlier statement about crackheads.