here is my day

Oct 02, 2003 22:31

wake up

\  no math                            __

\  /\                             ((    )) <-- me blowing up

\/  \                          ((        ))

\    rehersal               \\    //

\    /\        ______________\\//______

\  /  \      /<- rikki gives me notes for bible ^_^

\/    \____/

so over all today was a crappy one, the downfalls were random things that made me depressed/disappointed but i won't bore any of you with that. oh well, not like there is anything that can be done about it. accept waiting. perhaps time will help all that is going on. then again maybe not, lately a majority of my wants have been dangled in front of me like butterfingers at a fat camp and i sit there jumping with my fatbody 2" vertical, and all is just out of my reach. granted i have been blessed with some great things this semester, such as my role in the musical. i have never been a lead in anything, and now i have the chance. but there is so much more that i want. i feel so greedy, but i can't help it. does it make me a bad person that i want more? damn it all, now i feel like the little mermaid.
hey, why did the little mermaid where sea shells? Give up?
Because B shells are too small, and D shells are too big!!!
i am a moron. but at least i feel a little better.


((    )) <-- me blowing up

((        ))   ____<---- after writing in LJ

\\    //    /


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