hrmmm :\

Jan 13, 2004 22:04

i think tonight had to be the worst possible audition i have ever put forth, including my very first in 8th grade. I read a good portion of the parts that i was hoping to read, but to no avail. reagan did not read me for those, he read me for parts i:
a) did not want
b) had not read yet
so randy's audition tonight = terrible. everyone said i did fine, but that is definitely not how i feel. i felt like giovanni ribisi in the other sister... reading shakespeare. stutters and stammers away! and since i was reading parts i didn't care for i had no real feelings to those scenes. i guess that is my fault. i see parts and want them so bad and neglect all other parts, then i am disappointed when i get one that was not "mine". oh well. there is always thursday... for me to ruin.
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