Glen Ellyn: The Real DPC

Nov 18, 2005 15:22

A thought came to me as I watched The OC last night. Ryan Atwood is a stud. I don't mean that in a way that assumes that I find him attractive, I'm just saying he's a stud. Allow me to explain...
To me, last night was the culmination of the development of Ryan's character. He came into the show a smart kid deep down, but with problems with stealing cars, fighting water polo players, and letting his temper get the best of him. Last night he showed that he has become the unstoppable combination of Ryan Atwood and Sandy Cohen. He used Sandy's brains with his own intimidation factor and defined badass at the end of the episode. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that I want to be Ryan Atwood. Deep down, and not really all that deep, all skinny kids want to be the badass that can just absolutely beat the hell out of anyone. But I don't wanna be some meathead that thinks that Uraguay is an insult, not a country. That's what makes Ryan Atwood so fantastic. He may not have the wit of Seth, or the brains and self restraint of Sandy, but he is a mix of the two and adds being a badass. I would TOTALLY get the chicks if I was Ryan.
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