Aug 09, 2007 22:21
so were still finallizing plans for the big birthday thing at the bar. should be fun. i just dont want to get to fucked up, for full thoughts on that see entry fuck drunk. i dont really know what to expect but im goin out with friends and my aunt dee and now i guess my cousin lisa might some too. and there is still this illustrious guest that i have no idea who it is, but i have a hunch it may be matt or logan. its hard to explain why but thats what i think.
works been going well. affirmative action is still showing its ugly fucking head.but thats ok im white yall just cant keep upu with me. haha just kidding im not rasist but i am tired of racisim being called equality. fuck affirmative action. fair is fair and extra credit for being born a certian color isnt fair. HEY ALL YOU ALIENS OUT THERE COME HERE TO THIS PLANET BECAUSE WE WILL GIVE YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT BECAUSE YOU ARE DIFFERENT! JUST LET US BE MEAN TO YOU FOR A LITTLE WHILE AND THEN YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL.
so at work today i set my pen down, which happens to be a lightsaber pen, and erin picked it up and asked me what it was. i was like excuse me. thats my light saber. as she says whats a light saber. and i was like star wars hello. and she says oh ive never seen it. WTF ITS ONLY BEEN THE BIGGEST MOVIE TRILOGY EVER! AND ITS BEEN AROUND SINCE THE SEVENTIES! people under rocks bother me. i mean shes twenty three and her boyfrined is like thirty eight or something. she should have seen that by now. god damn it that should be a law.
i love music. one of these days im going to make a post about music, but dont expect anything to positive all you optomistics out there, oh no, my view of music of this generation (102.5) is even more grim that my views of affirmative action. there hasnt been much good music since the seventies a little in the eighties and a few in the ninteys. thats it \. you 102 people, fuck your pop music bull shit and your anarexic idols, and your drug songs, and the fact that you listen to that shit. yeah thats right, what!?