Apr 20, 2006 15:27
well i will find out later today weather ally and i got the apartment! *crossed fingers* as well as a middle finger to you fantaine gardens, fuckers.
so im getting moved to the auto motive department at my store. i dont know if i put that in the journal already, but today one of my assistant managers called me and said she heard i was moving to a different department and wanted to offer me a position in her department that would have more hours. but tle will come with a pay raise and her offer wont. but tle wont give me as many hours as she will. i hope i made the right choice.
so i have begun reading alot again. i found a very good author with a plethora of books that are all like a sort of series and they are truly awesome.
ally, untill recently, had never seen any starwars movies. i know thats crazy. so her and i started watching them. and who would have thought that she would find them interesting. that made me happy. so tonight we will begin watching episode IV. and she is just excited to watch the older movies as she was for the new ones. its so funny, "oh my god i didnt thing he was the sith lord" " i bet you obiwan is going to train luke" "yoda's not going to die is he?" its so cute. shes all into the story and stuff. good for her. i think its so cool when we find things that we both like to do.
im really excited about this apartment thing. i fucking hope we get it. and the manager is tight, not a twat like the one at fontaine. we got to see the apartment today too. its really nice. lots of space and all that. not that we need alot of space since we dont have much, but i imagine that real people, not those bitches in highschool with parent who give them everything and all that shit, but real people i think start out this way. with not much except a pocet full of hopes and dreams. well if that is truly how people get started, then god damn i am running to the fucking end. haha.
peace and love people.