Feb 14, 2010 23:41
So since I've graduated I've found that I have a ton of free time on my hands. I'm working two part-time jobs = full time. One at an ophthalmolgists and the other doing research at the College of Medicine at USF - all this until I get into med school. Just took the MCAT's again Jan 29th and should be getting the new scores back March 2nd. I'm hoping to get into PCOM-Georgia in Atlanta. I've already interviewed there, they just wanted to see a higher score. Besides that, I really don't have much to do with my time. Ive been playing bass here and there, running, and was planning on getting back in the gym but I've been having some lower back problems. Beer has been a close friend, as have my roommates, and my pretty BA girlfriend, but everyones still in school and busy with all that.
Not too long ago I picked up the book Mountains Beyond Mountains by a fellow named Tracy Kidder. Its a Pulitzer Prize Winning book, and an amazing story about Dr. Paul Farmer who does some incredible things for health and society in Haiti. I'm only on page 102, but an anecdote early on grabbed my attention. Its telling the story of a very sick 13 year old girl brought to the doorstep of his clinic in the middle of the night. A spinal tap needs to be done to confirm her strain of meningitis - a very painful procedure. During the procedure, Farmer translates the Hatian - "She's crying 'It hurts, I'm hungry.' Can you believe it? Only in Haiti would a child cry out that she's hungry during a spinal tap." That was a pretty deep moment when I read that. It makes you want to do more for people, although I could never begin to do the things this man has done. The guy's a saint.
Anyway, off to some Olympic watching now.