Yesterday in general was pretty intense.
Because of how intense it was, I put it into handy LJ-cuts. Lucky you.
Went to Cora's for lunch (serves only breakfast/lunch... but like, breakfast foods AT lunch). Um, it was alright... although I noted I didn't know what 99% of the things were on the list. I'm very cultured. Or something.
I had crepes with a bacon/tomato/cheese omelette inside. They tasted not-interesting enough, so I kept trying different things (jam, syrup, etc.) I settled with maple syrup being the best. It also came with fresh fruit and some hashbrowns. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Then, after calc, we went to basketball. MAN. It was just 3 on 3, so it wasn't overly crowded, and there was a LOT of running around. Since I didn't bring a lunch, I didn't have a bottle, and I didn't drink any water for quite a bit. I was also really tired (like, 4 hrs of sleep several nights in a row because I'm stupid and don't go to bed), so I was RIDICULOUSLY like... unable to run around any more afterward. Jason Latimer and I were both feeling the same way, so we just walked around/sat and talked. Twas good.
Then, Andre Dube and Mike came over, and we started talking about classic PC games. That was also awesome.
Driving Around
Mike's friend from high school drove us to Mike's house. At first I was like, "this guy's totally a stuck up jock and a moron", but he seemed to change that judgement around pretty alright. He has a big liking for cars, and is in either buisness or commerce. Nice guy.
So. Mike's mom drove us around to re-get Gran Turismo 4 (big ordeal with that... Kaitlin and her boyfriend broke up, and when he left, he took all the X-box games... including the one we rented... oh boy.) And looked for a steering wheel with no avail. Alas, we used the shitty steering wheel.
Board Games!
Then, BOARD GAMES NIGHT. We brought all the stuff there (a church, LOL), took their LCD projector, and set it up in a room upstairs.
Basically, we just stole people the whole night, and got them to do 5 laps. First was for practice to try and get used to the steering (ridiculously sensitive, and just plain awful... but since everyone was using the same steering, it was okay), then one lap where there was no distractions at all, one where we got them to hold a cell phone in one hand and we'd ask them questions, one with both hands on the wheel and asking questions (like using a headset), and one where we'd only ask questions at convenient times (like a passenger in your car).
Even with the TERRIBLE steering, people still wanted to stay and play. I can only imagine the trouble we'd have if we had a GOOD steering wheel... we'd never get people to stop. Gosh.
Anyway. So, after we did 15 subjects (which took an obnoxiously long time, like, several hours), we went downstairs to enjoy at least some of the party. Lots of board games going on/other random games, I learned how to play a few, and played a few I had before.
Games I played:
-Hand slapping game. Everyone in a circle with hands on a table, with people's hands in between yours. You can tap, and double tap. Tapping keeps it going in one direction, double tapping sends it back the other way. If you lift your hand when it's not coming towards you, you're out.
-Oh buddy or something, I think it was called. "Oh buddy oh buddy oh buddy, ohhhh yeah.". Everyone has a number, and they have to call out their own number, and then someone elses. You need to stay on beat. If you mess up your words or don't respond quick enough, you're out. If you call the number of someone that's already out, you're out. One person got out, and I called the number of that person. Out of 14 people. LOL. Oh well.
-Zip, Zap, Zop. You stand around in a circle, and you make guns with your hands. You point at people randomly around the circle and say either zip, zap, or zop, depending on what was said before they pointed to you. Reaction time to know what's going on is CRUCIAL. Sort of like in the last game.
-Weirdest game ever. "Yup/Yip, BONG". You have to put your lips over your teeth (like an old grandpa), and stand in a circle. If you say yup, it keeps going around the circle. When you say bong, it has to go back the other way. The object is NOT to show your teeth. When you laugh, you show your teeth. Thus making it ridiculously retarded. Oh dear.
-The Dork Game. You'd figure this would be perfect for me, but even -I- found it like... ridiculously weird. Basically it's a board game. A lot of acting out things and whatnot. I had to pretend to cry every time the die was rolled, and tell people why I was crying. Pretty difficult to think up reasons after awhile. Though, Allysa faked an orgasm for me. Wasn't even in the game (as something she had to do). Weeeeeeird.
-SPEAKING of Allysa, she showed me a game that she was slightly better than me at. Basically, you stand facing each other, and you can't move. you have to slap each other's hands to try and get them to fall backwards/forwards, or in general lose your balance. So, you only have hand-on-hand contact. You can let your arms go limp and see if they'll push too hard and fall forwards, or attack at them. Basically every time I lost was when we both went at the same time, and since I was a good half-foot taller than her, I lost my balance a lot easier. Was neat though.
First time I had ever really talked to Allysa, she's pretty cool. Over the course of the night, I called her fat and ugly at LEAST twice. I'm a ladies man.
(P.S. She's neither fat nor ugly. She's actually pretty attractive. lollllllllllllllllll)
It was also the first time I'd ever really talked to Question Girl/Quiet Girl. Question girl, while really... out there, and very opinionated, isn't as bad as she could be. Quiet girl also seems really nice.
Kristie drove Ainsley and I home. At like, 1:00-something. It was ridiculous of her, but awesome. Kristie also pretty much organized the whole games night, so that was terrific of her. Apparently we had 32 people there. Nice.
We ordered pizza as well... it was only okay. But needed. I was really hungry.
I have to walk down to Nickie DeBaie's to give him back his PS2 (+rep for loaning it to me), and then come back to do some calc. Probably gonna play Warcraft tonight. YASE.
Speaking of walking, I should get my butt moving.
I'd also like to mention I've worn the same pair of jeans all week. Go me.
P.P.S. By walking down to Nickie's, I meant running, listening to trance, with a water bottle, and my running shoes.
P.P.P.S. I think "Oh buddy" was "Big Booty/Bootie". In fact, I'm pretty sure it was.
EDIT: This is neat. The Simpsons' opening sequence, done with real people. EDIT2: I didn't mention, but we found a bunny. Or a rabbit. A tame one, I guess it'd been bouncing around our yard for awhile. Dad and Ryan got it, and now it's in a big box with food and water and nesting stuff. It has a number stamped on its inner ear, so we're wondering if it's a government thing or something... either way, we have a lost bunny in our possession.