A- Available?: No. DISP consumes me.
A - Age: 18
A - Annoyance: Quizzes.
B - Best Friends?: Me, myself, and I.
B - Bar: Haven't been to any yet.
B - Birthday: March 20th.
C - Crush: Nope. Not a big fan of their orange, cream soda, or lime flavours.
C - Car: I have no cars, but my parents do. 2000 Honda Oddessy van and a 1999 Suzuki Esteem stationwagon. Suzuki = ftl.
C - Cat: None. I did have one called Chinchi at one point. Might be spelled incorrectly.
D - Dead Pets Name: Chinchi, and a bunch of fish. I had names for them based on colour. Don't rememeber what exactly, though.
D - Dad's Name: Byron
D - Dog: Bonny.
E - Easiest person to talk to: NO ONE BECAUSE I'M EMO
E - Eggs: Any kind. Eggs = ftw.
E - Email:
hans_lafford@hotmail.com. Have fun going into my junk mail. LOL.
F - Favourite Colors: Blue, red, and black. (LOL BLACK'S A SHADE LOLOLO)
F - Food: Pizza, prolly.
F - Foreign Slang: D'ac. Fo reel.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Neither, really.
G - God: Sure.
H - Hair Color: Brown
H - Height: 5'11"-6'. I think it's more 5'11", but I like to believe it's 6'.
H - Happy: On and off.
I - Ice Cream: Chocolate, even if real chocolate isn't that great.
I - Instrument: Piano + Saxophone. Eventually I may try to pick up guitar.
I - Idol: Maddox. Sure.
J - Job: Gas station. Pump your own gas, bitches.
J - Joke: You.
L - Longest Car Ride: Beaver Bank to Hamilton (technically Stoney Creek. One day.)
L - Laughing: On occasion. Loves the laugh-till-you-cry.
L - Last person you spoke to on the phone: Would have been Michael Sharp.
M - Milk Flavor: Skim. 1%'s good too.
M - Mother's Name: Darlene.
M - Movie Last Watched: Saw 2. Loves it.
N - Number of Siblings: Two.
N - Northern or Southern: Northern if we're talking about the States. Southern if we're talking globally. I guess.
N - Name: Hans-fritz-gotten-de-gotten-de-der-der-hotten-de-mcwilliferd-de-lafford-de-scourdooooooooooo.
O - ONE WISH: World peace. LOL, jk, I wanna hamburger.
O - One Phobia: Heights suck.
O - Ogle: Breasts, but only really big ones. Otherwise, it's just a glance. Sorry if you catch me looking.
P - Parents: Byron and Darlene. LOL.
P - Part of your appearance that you like best: My sunken chest. I get felt up by all the ladies.
P - Part of your personality you like best: One part? Honestly. I think you have to take my personality for what it is as a whole: Awesome.
Q - Quote: I'm awesome - me.
Q - Question you want to ask but haven't: Probably a few in class. Otherwise, I pretty much come right out and ask.
Q - Quick or Slow: If it's school, quick. If it's relaxing, slow.
R - Reason to smile: No school for a week.
R - Right or Left: Right
S - Season: Summer's fun.
S - Sex/gender: Yesplzlol/Male
T - Time you woke up: Oh dear. Like, 4:30. PM.
T - Time Now: 9:22
T - Time for bed: Last night, it was like, 6:00 AM. So...
U - Unknown Fact about me: I pwn nubs.
U - Unicorns: It'd be badass to see a unicorn impale a small child on its horn. It'd sure kill all those fairy-tales pretty quick.
U - Under your bed: A dismantled kitchen table, some weights, a bottle, other junk.
V - Vegetable you hate: Sweet potato (Yams).
V - Vegetable you love: Carrots? Broccoli + cheese sauce = ftw too
V - View on Politics: Get rid of debt. Stop getting in wars.
W- Worst Habits: Procrastinating, seeing what I want to see in things, etc. I'd put pornography on here, but I'll go days without watching any on occasion, so it's not really a "habit" persay.
W- What do you want to be when you grow up? No idea.
W- where are you traveling next? Halifax. Next big trip will likely be out west in summer 2007.
X - X-Rays: Just one to my knowledge, to see whether I had a 13th rib or a cancerous tumour. It's a rib.
X - X-Rated Porn: Every day plz.
Y - Year you were born: 1987.
Y - Year it is now: 2006.
Y - Yellow: Coldplay sucks.
Z - Zoo Animal: Zebra. I bet that came to my mind first because we're on the letter Z.
Z - Zodiac: Pisces. Horoscopes are lame.
Z - ZZZZZ: Hopefully at a more decent hour this time around.