Chem sucks.
Environmental midterm on Tuesday hopefully won't be too bad. I'm almost the whole way through making my notes for all the lectures.
Had a super hangout session with Nickie yesterday, after work. We drove out to Sackville to check out that new connector path (for walking/bicycles) between Sackville and Bedford. The barbed wire fence on one side (to keep people from running out in front of the rifle range) and busy highway on the other sort of made the walk less naturesque... but it probably wasn't ever been meant to seem that way.
ANYWAY. Got to show her the sweet smart car. She was most impressed.
Got back in time for tacos for Ryan's 10th birthday. And to sing happy birthday.
After that we watched Thirteen. It was oooooooooooookayyyyyyyy... most of it was decent, but I got bored a time or two.
I also downloaded some Johnny Cash. Was in the mood, I guess. At least I thought I was. Until I started listening. Then realized why I hadn't downloaded any earlier. LOL
Ionno. The lyrics are good, and so are the vocals, but there needs to be more stuff going on in the background I think. wtvz.
On a completely different note, GoodGame (a Australian TV show) did an interview with Jeremy from PurePwnage, and like... when he's being serious and normal and "real", he's not too too far off from what he does in the show.
Take a look: