We got more skim milk powder. I'm back in the bread making business.
Problem is, I'm making it faster than we're eating it. I think I might have to start freezing the stuff.
Possibly going to start experimenting with our whole wheat flower. Basically, I can't keep eating the white stuff all the time. Unnnnnnnnnhealthy. LOL!
Speaking of unhealthy, I had pizza for supper tonight. Although, I did use the ol' get-the-excess-grease-off maneuver. Worked well.
My goal was to do the road three times today, biking. First was to be slow-paced, second was to be intense, third was to be slow paced again. Unfortunately, I burnt myself out baaaaaaaad on the second run, and didn't do the third. But, s'all good. Improvement is bound to happen.
I've gotten ridiculously good at Hammer Heads Deluxe, from PopCap Games (the people that make bejeweled, insaniquarium (which tbh is like the best game ever), bookworm, and various other addicting games).
http://www.popcap.com/ (You can try out all of the different games, or download demos of the deluxe versions. If anyone ever wants any of the full deluxe versions of the games, just ask me.)
Nickie expressed interest. I got her to play a bit when she was over. Enough interest that she asked me to send it to her at home.
Anyway. Basically, I'm in marathon mode now (after beating the game through on both the regular difficulty and the "tough cookie" mode), and today I played for about a solid 50 minutes. I decided there was to be no more. Luckily, it saves your "progress"... but, I don't know how they're going to make it harder. Like, there's only SO many new characters they can throw at you... are they going to up the speed? Maybe.
Also, played Dawn of War: Winter Assault with Michael Everett tonight. Basically, I've found that Ork are quite apt at stopping rushes. This angered Michael Everett greatly, as he was unable to beat me over and over again. Or at all. LOL!
Going into Bedford on Thursday to get myself all fitted up for my security dealios. Was supposed to go tomorrow, but I work at Hartlen's tomorrow. I can see how this is going to be a juggling act... oh boy.
What's worse, is both Billy and potentially Shawn are quitting. So, if BOTH leave, that'll leave only 3 people working at Hartlen's, meaning I'd actually get the hours I'd want without needing a second job. But, by the time that all transpires, I'll already have a second job. Oh dear.
Basically though, once I go back to school, chances are I'll be working far less. So, it's probably better for Margie to hire someone else, as she's going to have to do it eventually (aka, by the time school has to go back in).
Speaking of holy-crap-do-I-ever-know-how-to-procrastinate, I have to choose majors and the like. Apparently the 17th of June is when course choosings open. So, I still have a decent amount of time. Regardless, it's something I should start getting on.
The other day, I remembered Supergreg. I don't know if you all remember Supergreg, but you should. Joel Macgregor (one of the few people that truly made me laugh consistently, and for that he gets major +rep. If you forget who he is, remember Lego Wars from video announcements, along with his billion other videos) had put him in video announcements once in Grade 9.
Anyway. Links to what his original website looked like
http://zmax.org/supergreg/sgdotcom/and a link to his famous video, "Da Numba One" -
http://deanparke.com/data/supergreg.html So, I decided to throw up a very sloppy page on Wikipedia, to see if anyone would come along and fix it, basically. Apparently, that's not how they work. You have to have like, a well designed page to start off with, THEN they'll decide if they want to delete it or not. Uncool, not a fan. Crucial part of Internet history from the 2000's.
Anyway. Yeah. Supergreg ftw. Except, I think he sold out. So, that ftl.
Speaking of more nostalgia, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles opening theme song/video. I watched it in awe as I saw my childhood flashing before me.
http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/31190/Ninja_Turtles_Intro.html So many classic shows. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Captain Planet and the Planeteers, Power Rangers, Samurai Pizza Cats, Sailor Moon (Yes, Sailor Moon), "The Zone" (more specifically PJ Phil), Dragon Ball Z on early Saturday mornings... early memories.
I think that those memories might even be stronger than the ones I have related to video games. When my parents bought me my first NES at the age of 3 or 4. How I would always have the urge to play Super Mario Bros. 2 whenever I would come back from swimming lessons on Saturday mornings. How satisfying it was to beat Final Fantasy 1 at the age of 7 or 8. How impressed with myself I was when I told my teacher proudly in Grade 3 that I knew what the word "bane" meant, because of Final Fantasy. How in class, after finishing my work early, I would work on a "Players Guide" of sorts to the Warcraft II Shareware edition, because I didn't have the real thing. How in grade 3, I had a scribbler solely for the purpose of "drawing out" video games I was playing, mostly from the 31-in-1 pak for the NES... I'd like to find that scribbler some day. I was never any good at drawing, but it helped satisfy me until I got home. Playing games with Nickie DeBaie and Kyle James via modems (usually Warcraft... we would be on the phone, say "1...2...3...", hang up, count to 3 again, and one would click "dial", the other would click "accept".)
Being best friends with Bryan Margeson, his "porno disk" (a 3 1/2 inch floppy disk with random jpegs from websites).
Playing X-Men at school. My gigantic crush on Carin Lively that started in primary.
I remember loving the wind, and how I felt stronger because of it. Bryan even tried to get me to prove it by running at him, and he agreed that I did seem stronger.
Using my microphone to record stuff on the computer. Making Pokemon sounds. Any sort of sounds. I assume they're all gone now, there was about 90 megs of .wav files.
Bryan's "drunken hippie" song, made with him banging on a broken guitar and singing awfully. Sending Cassie Connors an audio clip of Michael Sharp saying "W-w-w-what do you want me to do, say Sarah's hot, or Cassie's hot, or... oh geez." (he had crushes on both at the time)
Random pointless fibs that Michael would tell all the time, like when he told me he composed all of these midi songs, and actually all he had done was sent me the premade sound files that came with RPG Maker 2000.
How I hadn't sworn until grade 6. Coincidentally, this is when my perverted mind began forming.
Staying up at sleepovers and talking for hours, about anything and everything. We often rated girls on a scale from 1-10, all things considered.
Pretending we were asleep when our parents came down to make sure we were asleep.
Andrew and I sneaking out to the end of my driveway to pick up pizza, because we wanted pizza.
Two porno books (a playboy, and a sex-joke book), I had saw when mom was going through a giant box of old magazines. I went back later on and retrieved them, and hid them elsewhere. They were eventually found and burned, although my parents weren't mad.
My Godfather, when trying to convince mom and dad to get the Internet (which, at that point, was nothing even remotely close to the Internet we have today. It was a BBS, Chebucto Freenet, based in DOS, all text), told me to tell mom and dad that we should get it so I could download pornography (I did not know the meaning of the word "pornography" at the time). He had a good laugh. Mom took me aside and asked me if I knew what it meant later. I blushed.
I had such a hard time with that. I couldn't understand how to work it (the Chebucto freenet BBS thing). I was, of course, also like, 5 or 6 years old.
Dad getting a free water heater from that BBS bulletin board thing.
Playing such classic games. Tyrian, One Must Fall, Hocus Pocus, Jazz Jackrabbit, Epic Pinball, some hockey-sort of game that was 3D... Cyberpuck 3D it was called, Xargon, 4D boxing... programs like Banner Mania, I used to make banners to put in my room. I think my Final Fantasy one is still hanging around somewhere.
Crashing the computer at least 3 or 4 times. 2-3 of those times were from viruses purposely mislabeled as pornography.
Other memories, when I was a pre-teen, and began to have massive mood swings. I would eat 4 litres of chocolate ice cream a week. Mom wrote me a letter, because I wouldn't listen to what she had to say otherwise. I still have it.
One of these days, I'm going to look through a bunch of my old notes. I have so many around, so much of my past recorded. Of course, I don't have my exact wording or precisely what was going through my head at that time, but based on what others wrote to me, I can get a pretty good idea. You can forget so much.
Unrelated note...
We haven't had a LAN in quite a long time. In one light, I'm upset by this, and in the other, I'm/we are still trying to figure out what our "new game" is going to be. Sure, Dawn of War is fun, but Warcraft is getting a little old. We've thought about attempting Civilization IV, but just going through the tutorial made me sick at how much there was to learn. Also, apparently the games take ages to play. Like... hours upon hours. You know the board game Risk? Yeah. Like, that length.
It's just nice when a gaming interface is intuitive, only requiring a few minutes to get the general hang of it, and then you learn all the little extra things later on.
It's unfortunate, but really our main (read: only) game choices are RTS games. because we don't have enough people for FPS games to be all that fun, as the maps are usually designed for 32 to 64 players. 4 or 5 just doesn't have the same appeal.
There's plenty of people I haven't yet seen this summer, despite having a few large parties. Hum.
Games I've played through since school's been out:
-Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil Expansion
-Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Campaign
-Hammer Heads Deluxe (technically there's a whole bunch of medals you can get, but basically I've owned that one in like, two days)
Games in Progress:
-Oblivion (definitely around 33 hours in this one already. And I've just been doing guild quests and the like. Haven't touched the main storyline. Although, I didn't play it at all today, sooooooo... yeah. Basically, it's not one of those games you "beat", persay. It just goes on and on until you give up.)
-Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Winter Assault Campaign (did a few levels, stopped. May or may not go back and finish it)
-Half-Life 2 (I find myself getting stuck a lot, which is uncool... but otherwise, awesome game)
Games Unstarted, but installed/etc.
-Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth Campaign (Don't know if I'll actually do this one or not, but I've heard it's wicked)
-Far Cry (again, don't know if I'll play it or not, but heard it's good... I've actually played this one for like 2 secs, but just to look at it)
-F.E.A.R. (Sooner or later. Maybe.)
Along with random games. I was playing Advance Wars 2 (for Game Boy Advance) on the computer today, as well as a round of Warcraft.
Warcraft was funny. The guy was clearly a better player, but because I outsmarted him, I won. He had a higher score in every category, but he lost. Very rarely does something like that happen, as generally the one with the higher score was the victor.
One of these ages, I'll have to play Counter-Strike. I have yet to play any incarnation of Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike is known as being like, THE first person shooter. And THE game. I feel like I'm missing out having never played it.
Basically, I think I've said enough.
Oh lawd.