k... so.
Work yesterday was okay. I asked for a raise (as I'm making $7.25, minimum wage went up to $7.15, April is my 2 year "anniversary" there, and she said she gave raises on the 2 year mark)... anyway, I think she got offended. Basically, yes, there was a raise on the way, but apparently I'm the only one that ever inquires. Who knew.
Basically, I have good reasons to believe that my coworkers (Shawn, at least) was making over $7.50 sometime last year, back when I was making $7.00, or under. Sometimes I get bothered, but obviously I can't bring up how much she's paying them... whatever.
Webpage today. Lots of webpage. And helping others. Aka, saving Nadia's ass. Laaaaaaaaaaaaffo. Their webpage thing was so messed it was ridic.
I was about to help Andre, but apparently their links worked after all. Who knew.
Presentation on our research projects tomorrow. We're the third group. I would rather slit my wrists.
Basically, yeah. That's all. Other than Nadia owes me, BIG TIME.
But yeah. Ours is pretty okay, but not like... spectacular. All the info's there plus some, some funny pics... y'know.
Anyway, I've decided that I'll upload it for all your viewing pleasures. Or something.
Btw, Kristin, Taryn, etc., I don't plan on this even holding a candle to yours. You guys are like, miles ahead of me. *bows down*
But, if anyone wants a general idea of what the hell I've been doing with all of this research project stuff... it's a good summary. Def. started it Saturday.
TO VIEW: Download, unzip, open index.html.
http://s58.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1ZVQ8GBJO1WUH0GVQQ5X9JQRWD - Research Project Website
Basically, my hair's getting too long. I'm kinda sick of it now, it just looks gross. Before I get it cut though, I'll be sure to take plenty of emo pics, just for memories.
P.S. Hopefully Puterbook will be back within the next few days. I miss her (but I still hope it's a new one).