Jul 16, 2009 20:53
Had a pleasant evening last night, went to the Cinnamon Club with James and Hannah and had a good chat, it seems obvious though that their relationship has little future. They don’t seem right for each other - or to be more specific he doesn’t seem right for her and despite the fact he is my friend I believe she should leave and find someone else. James was actually the first friend I made when I moved to London in 2003 and shortly after he started dating Hannah, despite her looks she’s obviously very insecure but now she seems to be really blossoming and understanding herself more which is great to see and where James always used to overshadow her, I think she is now overshadowing him. It’s almost like he is middle-aged and ready to retire and she’s a bright young thing just starting out. So many people are trapped in the wrong relationships or not appreciated by the right people, the more people I meet the more people I know the more I am surprised with exactly how many people go to waste in the wrong arms.
We had some interesting chats though around St. James before calling it a night and heading back. This evening will be a nice quiet one which I will spend listening to music stroking the cats and debating about feminism with Loulou - might have to open a bottle of wine from the wine club.
I think it’s a rare weekend we don’t actually have any plans so wonder what we will get up to. Early next week though I am going up to Manchester next week to visit my parents for a for a few days, my mother has already organised an army of mediums, psychics and healers for me to visit so that should be interesting to say the least, though I’m not sure many of my friends are around for me to hook up with apart from Jo.
I do like going back up north as it give me time and a chance to reassess things once I am away from London, though often the conclusions can be quiet painful especially when I examine my own personality and actions, it generally leads me to at least slightly alter my path for the better. A little-known nineteenth century writer, P.W. Bornum, once said
`We make our decisions. And then our decisions turn around and make us.'
Which I think is true, I am still sometimes shocked and surprised by who I am and how I have been as if it was someone else not the ‘ideal’ of who I think I am. We do change so much as people though, certainly I feel so different from the person I was even a few months ago which has made me ponder redemption, but that’s a bigger topic for another blog but its certainly made me rethink how I ‘damn’ people or close them out of my life in my usual Scorpio way. They are different now to who they once were so I shouldn’t judge them now on what they were, likewise I hope I am not judged to harshly now on what I was then - even though I don’t identify that person then as me. I have seen this as well not just with me but how Loulou is viewed in the group so it’s interesting to see it from another perspective.
I will develop those themes in another entry as there are bigger points to make about redemption and I want to expand it, which I am musing about with doing with art as well as by expressing it here.
Speaking of art, a friend who is a professional photographer has approached me about collaborating on a couple of projects, this is very exciting as we have a similar outlook on life and he is already established internationally as a photographer so will be a great person to help get me re-established in the art scene and fine tune my creativity again. The projects themselves are about society and without giving the game away, are about current themes about the direction society and politics is moving which is something I am really interested in and I think will be worthwhile. Just need to meet up for a few drinks and get the back room turned into an art studio and away I go.
I am getting more and more convinced that immersing myself in art and getting back into it again it will be resolve all my problems and unlock everything and I am really going to go for it