Jun 21, 2009 17:02
I know Loulou has me down as a little Englander but there are not that many things that make me feel proud to be British for instance - I actively don’t support the England football team, thinking about it more in-depth, the few things that do make me proud to be British are; Victoria Sponge Cake, Carry On Films, Gin and Tonic and Radio 4. Out of them it is the latter that makes me feel the proudest.
I heard an excerpt from Radio 4’s PM programme from Wednesday where Eddie Mair was interviewing Bob Anisworth about the Inquiry into the Iraq war that had just been announced (a link to the clip of interview can be found on the Radio 4 community) which was not going to be a public inquiry…
Eddie: “So we have an inquiry that will take place behind closed doors, no-one will be blamed, there’ll be no compunction on people to appear and no legal obligation to tell the truth. It’s going to be a really searching inquiry isn’t it Mr Ainsworth?”
(Snip of Mr Ainsworth rambling)
Eddie: “You’ve accused me of cynicism, was anything I said factually incorrect?”
Bob: “it was the tone of voice”
Eddie: “Well let me use another tone of voice: (now cheery): “In private, no blame, compunction on people to appear and no legal obligation to tell the truth?”
Fantastic, I can’t imagine Fox News being like that can you.
In other news, does anyone think Harriet Harman looks like a female Milhous? the resemblance is striking.
radio 4,