Apr 29, 2008 17:14
Done with JU. Kaput! I have closed a phase of my life that I shall never return to. Precious remnants still remain though, spent the rest of the day after my final proving that by having a beach day with Jenna. :)
But yeah, it's over. Finished the last final, Statistics in Science, this morning. Never shall I walk in a JU class room as a student again. I'll miss parts of it. I'm sure I'll miss the respect from the professors, the recognition and all that. And of course the friends, although most of them I'll be in contact with throughout the summer and at least next Fall as well. I'll miss the hugs from Jenna every TR at 9:15am, and our lunches every Thursday. They'll be substituted by even better things I'm sure but, you know, substitution isn't nearly as good as addition with these things. :)Life moves on though. New memories to be made, new bridges to cross, new areas to explore.
As far as grades go, I'm pretty sure I got another 4.0. Two of my grades have already been posted and the other three I weren't worried about anyway, as in, I needed a 66 on one final to maintain an A (talk about stress relief!) It's amazing how God has blessed me in working things out this semester.
So, anyway, I think I'll take my sandy self and take a shower.
Good luck to those of you in the midst of finals now or soon to be! Cheers!