
May 20, 2006 22:15

First thing I met with Tom and he totally smashed my legs for me... then stretched them. I love spending time being stretched by him but DAMN the time just freakin' flies! Lots to chat about and a very satisfying stretch-fest for me.

Then, I managed to make an appointment to see Suzi and I haven't seen her in like seven weeks, so more hair growth than is good for me... especially in my more sensitive pre-blood state. Read: hurt like a SUMMBICH. So nice when it was over though... And I learned my lesson. I have my next appointment made for 3 weeks. MUCH less pain with less hair growth. Fancy that.

Then, bopped over to see Suzanne and spend time in hot stoney massage heaven. Head luvin's from Suzanne = sheer bliss. And she worked my legs too. Especially the right one. More hurt like a SUMMBICH.

Got home before my friend Laina got here. We had time to do chatfest and play life catch-up. The condo across the way is for sale and I am hoping that she sells her place in SF and becomes my neighbor. THAT would be tres cool. We had lovely grilled zucchini and swordfish with a nice salad for dinner and then zoomed off to see DaVinci Code. I enjoyed the book and while the movie is different (of course), I enjoyed it and think the critics were too overzealous in their panning of the flick. Ian McClellan must have had a fucking BALL playing Teabing.

Now, I need to stage my gear for tomorrow's agenda of DJing, Dancing, and Sex Modeling. And if I can muster the energy I really REALLY want to see Kinky Boots tomorrow night. But we'll see how I'm feeling by then.

Right now, I'm calm, happy, grateful for a lovely day...

davinci code, stretching, laina, massage, brazillian, friends

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