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TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
sir_ender are close by:
- musicwomyn (50 - 100)
- marine_sir, dodgingwndshlds, kyranas_blog, sfbootdog, mikeysmilinguy, househeadboy, lavendergrrrl (100 - 150)
- patnleather93, ladyravenfyr, fd_midori, haydenslave, ddysgrrl, agentargyle, mzmtnlion, metanaive, wolfdaddi, voyeurprincess, zdragon, lbazul, spacedaddy, teramis, masochisticgrrl, macthunife, sanfran_fem, lespere, boyreese, bethdsf (150 - 200)
- valiaderekin, msp_teri, mr_heathen, huskypapi, nickdandy, dbs62, shalyndra, dawnmarie727, celestescritter, daddysgirlfaith (200 - 250)
- madameblake, pegsioux, _kaden_, lifeasjuicy, galtine1, wookiepocket, bettygirl, sfracerx (250 - 300)
- boytiger, topdadddy, mcdevilish, yanijc, rightkindofme, scorpiogrrrl420, lotuswoman, yezida, whimsicalpops, scalecat, girl_dragon, cougiecub, schmax, cuddlycthulhu, patcalifia, sflola, goddessdelaenya, blate (300 - 350)
- jkuroda, mslashes, tinamarie4daddi, tatnprcdfemme, gentlemanbutch, verbmynoun, tanner24, terpsichoros, dr_moni, commaalex, mattblakk, sftigermoy, 100thlthrmonkey, tat2edlydia, rmjwell, keldoe, baileythorne, edithehands (350 - 400)
- beauxregards, dalloua, makeplayhappen, danyea, scorpionturtle, teres_draconis, roguishdevil, tnkgrl, amaizes, boeu29, fairymere, jethead, frankiesapp66, kleine_katze, dr_java (400 - 450)
- cheshlthr, friskybunny, final_girl (450 - 500)
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TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends