Sunday Musings...

Nov 09, 2008 13:58

Impulsed to write on here about random things that are going thru my mind.

First and foremost, I'd like to congratulate our 44th President of the United States...Barack Obama.

The election of Obama has left a mixed feeling in the United States. Personally, I was ecstatic of his victory. Change can come to America. YES WE CAN!!!

But then there was the other half of America, the Conservatives, who were disgruntled. Some just let it slide and said another day their ideas would be relevant. Others were quite harsh and ridiculous. Saying the world is going to end, or harm will come to America or to Obama. These people have no faith in our country if its not their way. As a result of these people, our country has 'gone to hell' in recent months; economy tanking, global discontent at us, oil crisis, loss of jobs, rise in crime and violence, lower education standards...list can go on. Many of these things President Bush promised will be better during his tenure, "working bipartisanly" with Congress. To that, I wish I can go back to December 2000 and say 'BULLSHIT!" Per his decisionmaking and interactions with Congress, he has given half of America the reason to not only distrust their government, but worse, disrespect their government. The other half of America that was accepting of Bush, now seem poised to do the same thing to Obama, as in retribution for the liberal discontent of the past eight years. What happened to respectful discontent? That did exist once upon a time. I actually was conservative during the Clinton years, and I do recall a time it was about presenting new ideas to challenge the administration, force them to be on their feet and be accountable. Now its a matter of who can sling mud the most. Utter disgust, PERIOD!

In as much as I personally disliked President Bush, his doctrine, and his course of action, I still have the responsibility to salute, as a proud American in general, that this man can stand up and hold the Office of the Presidency of the United States, and not give in under duress or pressure. Others if put to this test would falter and quit. So quit your griping about either Bush or Obama. Both are taking on the most taxing job in the world, and do it with pride in serving their nation. Disagree with their outlook all you want, but at least have some decent respect towards the Office, and the caretaker who happens to hold it.

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