Jan 01, 2009 15:32
Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
My Christmas was pretty good; the family was okay except for at the end when Granpda gathered us all around because he 'had something to tell us.'
"I have a problem." He says
"I'm hoping my kids can help me solve it."
More silence
"I have this financial problem."
Slightly relieved silence, but still anxious
The Prime Minister gave us $2000 and we don't know how to spend it."
Still, it’s hard to stay mad at a guy who gives $500 to each of his kids and $50 to the grandkids.
Then Christmas night I had more friends than expected turn up to my house for drinks, which encouraged one more to pop in as well. :D. I was so happy that so many people came around that night.
New Year’s Eve was a house party at a friend’s house. Friends and frivolity abounded, I left at about 4 am and they were still going strong. There will probably be a cut together video of it by tomorrow, if Pickle wasn't too tired today.
BTW: I am doing fine, so quit asking 'and how are you?' like the funeral is next week everyone.