Name/Nickname: Rue.
Age: Eighteen.
Journal: sir_colbert_dfa
AIM/MSN/IM: ruealgedonic
Character Name: Stephen Colbert.
Canon: The Colbert Report.
Point taken from canon: 6/15/2010.
Age: Forty-six.
Gender: ♂
Preferred Village: Hisato.
Stephen Colbert is a middle-aged, Caucasian male who stands at about 5”10 and weighs approximately 174 lbs. His black brown is usually combed back, hairline receding somewhat along the sides. Accessories include his favorite watch, thinly framed glasses and several pens and handkerchiefs (one of which Jon Stewart has signed). His outfits range from casual wear to suits, and are generally labeled “Made in China” or “Made in Taiwan”- quite unintentionally. His suits are uni-toned and occasionally pinstriped (and shoes to match), while his ties bear a more creative (and colorful) side.
He has also been known to sport outrageous outfits when his work or sex life calls for it. One would find such diverse costumes as a Dark Lord cloak to Sexy Nurse hanging in the back of his closet. His favorite casual wear are his “Number One Dad” and “Number One American” shirts.
His form is rather average and lacking in tone, though his legs are surprisingly strong. During his occasional mid-life crisis, he will toss on worn jeans and cowboy boots and style his hair as hip as he knows how (usually spiked… or like Justin Bieber).
Background: Fill-in:
Stephen Tiberius Colbert was born on May 13th, 1964 in South Carolina, USA to a strict Roman Catholic family. As the youngest of eleven children, he was often pressured to follow in his sibling’s footsteps and live up to his parent’s expectations. However, he often found himself being bullied in high school and rejected by women. His initial reaction was to retreat and focus his efforts on becoming a great Dungeons and Dragons player- which eventually resulted in his parents dispatching him to an exorcism camp. At this camp, he grew attached to many of the young boys who had been sent in order to cure them of their homosexuality. A few incidents and he was returned to his family, fully healed and more outspoken about his beliefs.
Separated from his game, he was now more able to become politically active and religiously active in his community. He sang in the choir and joined the debate team, yet the bullying grew more relentless. He did, though, attract a following who approved of his unintended satirical humor. Of course, this humor was nonexistent as he fully believed each and every word leaving his mouth. He wanted to prove something and, more importantly, he wanted to be noticed and praised for proving this something- whatever it may be.
After graduating from high school, he desperately wished to be accepted as tough and never again targeted as the perfect victim. So he hit the first individual in his way on the first day of college. This man happened to be his Ethics professor. He graduated from Dartmouth College at the top 47th percent of his class with a major in history, though he seemed to never accept much of the memorized information as true (generally the information clashing with his beliefs).
Despite his degree, his first jobs included work as a carnival roustabout, pitching tents and feeding carnival bears (the source of much angst in his later life), and jobs as a construction worker. In the eighties, he formed a band called “Stephen and the Colberts” which released several singles, such as “Charlene (I’m Right Behind You)”. This song in particular is important to him as it deals with his ex-girlfriend, cousin and current stalkee (whom filed several restraining orders).
He eventually met Evelyn McGee, a woman whom understood he was a well-meaning, if not confused, young man with a passion to help the American people. The two married quickly after and worked on creating the tradition American family. Three children followed as he continued his work life. He turned to news reporting soon and later ended up on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart as a backup reporter. He was generally unaware that it was intended to be a comedy show. As his popularity grew, he was offered his own spinoff news reporting show known as The Colbert Report.
His show gained quite the following as it continued, so much so that he was invited to the 2006 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. In 2008, he attempted to run for presidency, but found his news show inexplicably prevented him from being taken seriously. He will be sent to Kannagara following his most recent episode.
Stephen is very much the stereotypical right-wing male with a strong nationalistic streak, a taste for the good book and a disinterest in clashing facts. Despite this, he is definitely a good man with a desire to better the nation- at least in his opinion of how the nation of America should be bettered. He is extreme and outspoken, open to interrupting someone when he feels they aren’t speaking on the details he finds vital. Emotional and passionate, he will quickly turn to tears of anger at the drop of a hat, though he seems to overcome his emotions just as quickly. He is energetic in this sense.
He is a nerd at heart, loving of Dungeons and Dragons and novels of the science fiction persuasion (as long as the fictitious world doesn’t clash with his beliefs). Despite his geek nature, he fails at much of technology-though the self-absorbed side of him loves twitter. He is strictly against change, believing it can only bring the worst. He is also of the opinion that everything, scientific studies and all, that opposes his belief system must be wrong and thus out to destroy the nation.
He is very patriotic, going so far as supporting Obama simply because he is the president, even if he is a liberal. His opinions, while rigid, are flexible in the sense that he believes what the majority believes must be true. Once that bar is set, however, he won’t bend until the majority does. Deeply religious, he does believe that the history of the Bible is, yes, the actual history of the world. He views the rest of the religions as confused and generally wrong, though he is unlikely to have actually looked into them beyond the stereotype.
He tends to rely on stereotypes in all things, though they are never ill-spirited stereotypes. He is truly a character representing the purist form of ignorance. Despite his frequent stereotyping and sexism, he claims to be racially colorblind and see no gender. He is very self-absorbed. The stories that matter to him usually only matter because it somehow affects his person or deals with his beliefs. He is very humorous in this, though this may honestly be unintentional.
Stephen believes strongly in the idea that men should be tough leaders with the inability to cry, though he has been known to cry over trivial matters.
Humorous: Stephen is a man with the (unintentional) ability to draw a smile or laugh from anyone, even those who disagree with his agenda. This attracts people to viewing his news show and thus boosts his popularity as well as bettering his place financially. It is certainly a strength in the general social area as he reaches the funny bone of republicans and democrats alike.
Passionate: He believes in certain ideals and he will express these beliefs without fear of being shut down or shown the proof that he is wrong. Because how is it possible that he could be wrong? This passion assisted him in reaching the heights of which many can only dream. His passion is also attractive to his wife and many friends.
Intelligent: This usually does not come into play in the critical thinking sense, though it has given him a wonderful vocabulary and speaking ability.
Ignorant: Stephen encourages obliviousness when the facts contradict what he has believed for so long. While this may prevent internal conflict, it also costs him respect and an updated intellect. He may also endanger himself accidentally if he believes the situation of action isn’t endangering to himself.
Emotional: He snaps easily under pressure, showing his vulnerable side regardless of who’s watching. This is clearly a negative in that he is terrible at enduring difficult times and remaining determined.
Stubborn: Perhaps this is a portion of his willful obliviousness as he will not budge in his beliefs even if scientific facts have proven him wrong. Perhaps a strong faith in one’s beliefs may be admirable, but he takes it to such an extent that it is like speaking with a brick wall when one challenges him to debate.
Defining Quote(s):
"When I decided to run for president, I did not do it for the attention. I did it to fulfill a dream, of being the most popular man in the world.” - Stephen Colbert
“The pen is mightier than the sword, if you shoot that pen out of a gun!” - Stephen Colbert
Other: Nopeee~
Action Writing Sample:
[Thin fingers straighten his tie, tugging and toying for longer than necessary if only to draw out that applause and rawrrrrr as they demand more and more. Which is forgivable. He is rather impressive, and they have waited a respectable twenty four hours. It’s natural. The leather gives under his weight, grateful for the warmth and his overall presence. The arms suck at his forearm, melding around his flesh like an affectionate sumo wrestler with a spooning addiction.]
Tonight, are men no longer an endangered species? -And if so, can I no longer hunt them? [His signature eyebrow raise tugs the string and effectively provokes a solemn expression before he shifts to face the side camera, expression intensifying.] Then, a new threat to the Gulf Coast environment- wait, the Gulf Coast still has an enviro… ment…?
[The man blinks as his eyes open to an… environment rather than hundreds of fans figuratively licking his feet. The usually deep voice grows higher pitched with each sentence, eyes darting about the dark foliage.]
Where did my cue cards go? --… Jimmy~?! Enough effects!
Hmn, hold on a second, what is this… [Stephen lowers his face to the Hitomi, an eyebrow raised dramatically as he fiddles with the device and mutters into.] Jimmy, am I still on the air?
[Pause, whispers.]
… that you, Jon?
[The Hitomi only bleeps back. He lifts his gaze to the bushes as it rustles, eyes widening somewhat and throat bobbing with a difficult swallow. These are effects, of course. This couldn’t possibly be… though he was just discussing the environment- in fact mocking the Gulf Coast’s lackthereof. Is it possible this is the revenge? Though he wasn’t aware the Gulf Coast could hold a rainforest even before the spill- or hold a grudge.
A growl and he stumbles back with the alien device, holding up a hand. It’s either the Jon, bears or the British-and all three will probably devour his manhood.]
Third Person Writing Sample:
Food hasn’t been such a great concern since Jon locked him in the cast’s locker room- or that time his sister found her calling as a Japanese chef (if you think their game shows are weird, you don’t want to taste their food). No, things have always been simple for the man with the pure American dream of raising a family, maintaining a respectable career and acting as sole dictator of Malawi for two consecutive years. But now this. Stephen shifts for the umpteenth time in his makeshift bed, mentally thanking the Native Americans for their ingenious creation of both the hammock and totem pole.
The poorly woven hammock swings to and fro, carelessly tied on either side to two oversized poles. Of course, it’s much too dark to make out the shapes, but he’s almost certain he’s been dropped into the Eighteenth century American; clearly, his devotion to this nation has proven him worthy of this honor. Or hardship. Thus far, he hasn’t come into contact with any native, but he does look forward to Thanksgiving.
Pocahontas wouldn’t be an offensive sight either.
And yes, he misses Evelyn dearly, but this is a mission to America. She would understand his need to accept this opportunity and all that it may encompass. Perhaps he would give sperm to the mother of George Washington. Or maybe he’ll lead Thomas and Clark on their voyage to capture Mexico from the illegals. Ferry black slaves to freedom and introduce the first rap song as a parting gift. That is why he got the name C-dawg in Jersey.
The hammock suddenly jerks towards his legs, pole slamming over with a harsh thud. The sound echoes throughout the valley and he quickly scrambles to the opposing pole. Arms reflexively coil around the totem pole of… he glances up at the bear caricature and falls back sharply, shouting his protest loudly.
Silence for over ten minutes until he recovers enough to inhale and open his eyes again, the man that he is. Eyes shift focus to the people behind the pole, most of which do not particularly resemble Native Americans, though they certainly creep about similarly (and later, he finds, drink like them).