Aug 02, 2004 04:39
Why music, and why is it so popular. I know its cultural, But culture is annoying, have you ever listened to any songs? ,I mean, ignored the music and actually listened to the lryics,especially the "new" crap that the music industry is churning out, Britteny Spears, Nickleback, Mille Vanille,Jessica simpson, Kid Rock People who dont write thier own lryics, dont play thier own music, and have to hire a choereographer to dance,they get one "Hit" and suddenly they feel like they have a liscence to tell people how to live thier lives?
I was watching the news yesterday, MTV news, so it doesnt really count, but one quote sticks with me, from some generic ,blonde look alike artist "I dont consider myself a role model, more like someone kids can look up to". What message is this sending? Someone whos only achievment in life was having the genetics required for a pretty face, is telling other people to look up to them, Shallow Basterds.
"I dont consider myself a role model, more like someone kids can look up to" I think that really explains the entertainment industry today.
Its all about how pathetic and worthless the artist thinks they are. Or the oposite end of the spectrum ,Which is music about how pathetic and worthless everyone else is, and how they themselves are just misunderstood. I love that word "Misunderstood" ,They dont suck, people just dont understand them, what a great exscuse. Shallow, condescending, pretentious basterds like Bono, Britteny Spears and Nickleback are lauded for thier great (old) ideas , Thier (bought) lryics and thier (synthesized) music, True musicians like Ozzy Ozbourne ,Led Zepling ,Marilin Manson and Incubus are considerd "evil",
All media is like this really ,from scripted "Reality TV" to shows devoted to altering people surgically so they look like a "celebrity" or whatever the current norm for "Beauty" is, How shallow can you possibly be.
Originality is evil, Conformity is good, Hurray for our wonderfull culture
(Fear my Leet English skillz!!)