Apr 13, 2005 23:36
i ordered three tickets to bright eyes and the faint. then the two other people that were going bowed out. so i asked jason and shannon if they wanted to go. they said possibly. but im going to hold the tickets for them incase they do wanna go. i can easily find someone within a day to fill these tickets anyways. and i think that i am equally excited to see the bloodbrothers as zach. it should be a pretty insane show. which brings me to my next commnet/question. zach.. i tryed calling a like 3 times today. im wandering if we are still going to that show on friday if not let me know. that or i can talk to you thursday night at meeting.
zach.. on top of breaking my glasses at that bonfire.. i did it again. i broke em for the fifth time. i dont know wut to do anymore. and i've been breathing in fiber glass insulation all past 2 days at work. so im coughing so much and mos def coughing up lottas blood. gettin in my eyes. my left eye was bleeding today. and a friend of mine is leaving for germany saturday for 3 months and i am going to miss her greatly. well.. as some may say.. Thats my mama
(.)(.) promise me you wont eat any of them.