All of you who didn't go see All The Great Books, Abridged missed a sweet show! It was as good as The Complete Works of Shakespeare, Abridged. So funny and good, and the acting in it was pretty good too. Was VERY happy showness! Plus the "Pay what you can" aspect was even better!
Today I finished subbing for this school year. I taught a half a day of Elementary School Art. Tomorrow is the last 1/2 day of school which I higly doubt I'll be called to teach for. On Monday I taught at Startown Elementary. Around lunchtime the entire school was evacutated! It turned out some workers cut a natural gas line right next to the school. 'twas a fun hour or so sitting outside far away from the school waiting for them to fix it! An exciting last week of school for the kids!
Now time to get ready for Smoke on the Mountain, Poetry Alive!, and get some things rolling with teaching stuff and all next year things.
Some interesting tid bits from
yesterday... Oh, and I almost forgot...
I know I'm a day late, but I'd thought I'd tell you all
I Am The Antichrist!
You may all now return to your reguarly scheduled existance.