Ok, here's a random meme thing I stole from Heidi a while ago.
Simply what you do is put your mp3 player, ipod, cd or whatever you get music from on random. Then have you're music answer these questions about the life, the universe and everything.
1) What do you think of me, computer? Sitting on the Dock of the Bay
Um, and that means what exactly?
2) What do my friends really think of me? Pretty Fly for a Rabbi - Weird Al
Or at least for a rabbi's son. Well, either that or an older, jewish Harry Potter.
3) Am I ever going to get married? If I should fall behind - Faith Hill
Fall behind what?
4) Will I have a content and happy life? Oompa Loompa Song
I like that kind of life!
5) Am I as good a person and friend as I can be? Matrix Theme
This is both a good thing, and bad...
6) How will I be remembered? Philosophers - Monty Python
7) What city should I move to so I can pursue my dreams? Ewok Celebration & Finale
So, computer, are you trying to say that I should move to some foresty planet with little teddy bears and a death star being built in orbit? Sure! uh, how do I get there?
8) When am I going to move out of my parents house? Eat it - Weird Al
You too computer!
9) When am I going to get out of debt? The Final Game - Rudy
ok? Which game? where? huh?
10) Will I ever break into professional theatre? Elysium - Gladiator Soundtrack
I don't like the look of that.
11) Why is acting life so hard? Jiggs Casey - Steven Wright
12) Will I ever be famous or known as an actor? Part 2 of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
yeah, exactly!
13) Do I have what it takes to be a teacher? Jack and Diane
14) What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything? Ode to Joy
15) Will I have a good year? Pomp and Circumstance
ok, I'll take that as a yes.