I say, a mans work is never done /friends only/

Aug 26, 2010 01:16

I apologise for my absence of late, I had to rush off to Columbia and finalize some business dealings which were really quite urgent.
Then to make matters worse when I arrived home Monday night, I was once again embroiled into meetings and dealings with barely a moment to feel glad of my return.
I will have to put a stop to the meetings tomorrow, they shall have to cope on their own for a day or so. I have barely seen Grace and Joseph since my return and I would very much like to spend a night away from making decisions.
I would divulge more but for now it is all hush hush, terribly boring but it has to be that way.

I bid you adieu for now as I must sleep but I hope you are all well.

all i am is flesh and blood, favours and telephone calls, sir dixon bainbridge, friends in high places, grace, business, home, traveling the world, joseph, there and back again, family

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