Jan 09, 2005 14:44
This quote bugged me, so I'm here to argue against it.
"Life is made up of hopes and memories and silent wishes only the heart can hear."
This makes is seem like life is silent. That everything we hope, wish, and remember are things that weren't shared with others. I like to think that my hopes, memories, and wishes aren't silent; that they are not only heard by my heart...because, if that was true, then I'm only living within myself. I'm not growing as a person or expanding my environment. I want people that are close to me in my life to know exactly who I am. To know my hopes, dreams, wishes, and memories that I cherish and try to achieve.
Although some hopes, memories and wishes are silent, life shouldn't revolve around them. They don't make life, well, my life anyways.
My hopes, memories, and wishes, are LOUD and one day, will all be known.