I really like the new Mountain Dew Voltage (:

Aug 05, 2009 16:10

So I haven't updated in about 7 weeks.

To start off, I start college in exactly 3 weeks.
Three days before my birthday! (I will be twenty!)
It's all pretty nerve wrecking I have to admit.
Just the orientation and registration for school was frustrating.
I have to go back up to the school sometime next week,
to talk to Financial aid and then buy my books.
I received a full Federal Pell Grant, lucky me (:
But I'm still confused about everything haha.
Oh, and I will be attending Henry Ford CC.

Since I've graduated high school,
I'm still single, still unemployed, etc.
But this isn't going to be a negative entry.
At least this summer, I've had more interviews than last summer.
I have a few things to learn still,
such as the 3 day wait instead of a week,
and showing up in person instead of calling kind of stuff.

As of lately, I've been working out everyday for the past two weeks.
I would say I've lost about 4 lbs. But I'm not stopping there!
I am going to look fantastic!
Not saying I look bad now, but I do drink quite often :D

Moving on....My mother went to apply for Medicade a while ago,
and apparently Granholm put a freeze on it. (Yes people, keep voting for the cunt)
So anyone 22 and older cannot receive it anymore.
They told her she was still eligible for Food Stamps though,
so she filled out the forms, and we are going to be receiving them...
$16 dollars a month for the both of us.
That's 8 bucks for her, 8 for me, pretty much two dollars a week.
That is the biggest insult from the state.
As I said before though, this is not a negative entry.
This weekend I am going to be working at the Allen Park street fair with my Mother.
We make jewelry, wall paper art, bookmarks, sport models, a lot of stuff.
So I'm sure we will leave with a bit of money from that! =)

Also, I will be going to Cedar Point sometime this month (: (: (:
Who wants to hold my hand on a roller coaster?!!? :p
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