Aug 27, 2010 11:37
i'm getting use to snsd's genie in japanese version. Though i prefer the japanese mv version.
the more i look at tiffany, the more i hate her.
no offense to her fans but she looks bitchy in the japanese mv version.
Really happy that the japanese fans love yoona most <3
My number 1 snsd biasness !! pure pretty ! =D
but about comments saying that snsd will change japan's concept of cuteness, i don't think so.
snsd and kara aren't label as cute, more like sexy. So its different.
anyway, saw a post on tokyohive. it was a poll.
Which male celebrities do older women want as their boyfriend:
among the top 10 i spotted my favourites !! >.<
Sato Takeru, which ranked the 10th postion =D
Yamashita Tomohisa, ranking 7th
Mizushima Hiro, ayaka's hubby ranking 6th !
Arashi, & YESH . THIS IS ARASHI AS A WHOLE GROUP !!! ranking 3rd
Haruma Miura ranking 2th
my loves !!! <3
even though in arashi, i'm most likely to pick sho sakurai ^^
which brings back the point, ... ...
i didn't even know that tackey and sho were good friends, let alone the fact that they both are the same age ~~!!!