just lovely

May 15, 2006 18:05

I had a lovely weekend with Rob.
Had dinner with Ru, at my dad's girlfriend (she's really nice and makes good food)'s place on Friday, proceeded to drive to his place for a weekend by ourselves.
Saturday we ran around and did a few small errands and came back to his place to watch Aeon Flux, which was ok, but made better by snuggles. And because of the special features, now I would like to look into doing still photography for movies. looks like fun stuff.
Sunday I was ill in the morning and Rob took care of me and I was up and running again by noon when we departed for Hawkesbury.
Spent the day backing up things on my computer and deleting things that were already backed up, then went to Stephanie's restaurant for mothers day with my family and grandmother. Came back home and watched Saw II, which was less than thrilling.
Got snuggled all night and kisses in the morning. And already I can't wait for next weekend! :)

Oh ya, and since my computer has more room on it now I was able to install the software for my new camera and download the pictures I've taken so far.

Such a pretty camera :)
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