we're here!

Sep 29, 2005 09:54

Passed through Sudbury around 6:30am on the 27th. groggy.nice sunrise though.my knees are suffering anew from the bruises I received a couple days prior to the trip.

Bus stops many times. I wake up every single time. need sleep. and not the curled up cramped on a bus sleep, i mean lying with my body sprawled out on a bed sleep.

sometime during the middle of the night, we arrive in thunder bay. Both RU and I had finally fallen asleep. we are not happy at having to stop AGAIN. pee. get water. wait.

After thunder bay,luck on our side, RU and I are finally able to get separate seats, less cramped, but my feet still end up in weird positions to keep them from being hit by people heading towards the bathroom.

more sleep. wake up for the stops, but fall right back to sleep.

Arrive in Winnipeg, call the people we are staying with. Problem: we've never met these people, we forgot to tell them what we look like. We look for someone who is approximately the right age, who also looks like they are looking for someone.
"Are you from Quebec?" yes. we've got a match, ladies and gents!

go back to Lorne's place. have breakfast, chat, tour the house, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! best sleep since sliced bread.

wake up, eat, decide to go downtown, don't make it, but do end up walking to the Assiniboine park. tired legs after not being used for so many hours. Walk back to Lorne's. it's getting late. eat. talk to Cecil(Lorne's housemate)
we get invited to see Lorne's late bro's artwork at his wife's place. we go, we have cookies, iced tea. amazing artwork. would have liked to have met Dave.

back to Lorne's. tv. sleep.

now it's time to decide what to do. i'll keep updating when possible.
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