(no subject)

Apr 17, 2006 20:06

My baby girl is completely knackard, although our weekend didnt start off to great today has made up for it.
Saturday we were suppost to go visit Winters other grandparents and meet her other great grandparents but unfortunatly the f**king car broke down and the aa or whoever they were took so long it was pointless even trying the journey again in another car anywho can`t be helped.
Sunday - easter - Winter got her first easter egg, bless her, her face when she tryed chocolate was priceless, pitty we had no camera, but i guess you just had to be there.
Today was the car show which was.........well the same as every year........but only one slight change to us, Winter, her first car show, she was so good and loved all the attention, and it was today (at the car show) she giggled properly, shes such a star =D
Ran into twinkle_lfs and stimpy_lfs and V in his fantastic leopard print poncho while wandering round the stalls, only bought blue elastic bands (for ursulas dreads, when i get around to making them) and got ripped off on 2 ballbarings to replace the ones i lost today, thas it really, that was easter, i lead such an interesting life.

OOH driving is going very well, hoping to be passed in the next 2-3 months. Then Winter and I are going to go on holiday me thinks to celebrate ;p

winter, easter, driving

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