Boosting the signal: Massage is Good

Sep 16, 2010 22:33

Posting this for my pal Liz who's not an online person these days...

Massage is Good: How to massage yourself and others without killing your hands.

Date: Saturday, September 18th 2010
When: 11 am potluck, 12 Noon Class starts (12-6pm)

What: This class is intended for anyone who would like to be able to learn or improve massage skills. Our primary equipment will be ourselves, ordinary
dining-room chairs, and the floor. The class is oriented mainly towards
massage without the use of specialized massage equipment, so we will be talking about how to work with what you have, and will make accommodations for people’s physical needs. We’ll be talking about how to make massage easier for the person doing the massage and more wonderful for the person receiving. We’ll demonstrate various strokes and techniques to reduce fatigue, and offer basic safety tips for both the massage giver and recipient. You will have time for hands-on supervised practice so that you can try out what you’ve learned and ask questions while you’re doing it.

Where: at Sidhehaven in Yelm (contact us for directions if you need them)

Bring: food (either for yourself or to share, but we think sharing is more fun)

(please do not bring anything with pork, as it is a pork free household.
Ingredient lists are much appreciated in pot-luck items so people will know what's in the food)

Wear: comfortable clothing in which you can move easily and through which it will be easy to massage.

How much: $35 for one person, $60 for two.

Spaces are still available but class size is limited. Please contact us to let us know if you’re planning to come. There are stairs to get into the building.
If this is likely to be an issue for you, please let us know.

Who to contact:
By Phone: Liz Anderson, LMP (206) 282-4784 By Email: Sarah Simon, LMP
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