it's been a while...

Sep 01, 2010 19:35

I'm still here :-)

wow, it's been a busy summer - St. Crispy Fest was a fabulous big ass party - music, barter, potluck feasting, singing around the campfire, pancake breakfast, out in the trees and fresh air... big thanks to the folks at the Frog Ranch in Auburn; we'll probably do it again there next year...

then this last weekend was polycamp - I so needed that... a chance to sit and chat with friends I've not seen in way too long, flirting and some kinky whatnot with a delicious new friend, helping in the kitchen (dare I admit that I enjoyed running the Hobart?) - and the most amazing karaoke evar - those poly folk can really put it on...

and recording on the BPO album is going *well* - I'm so proud of my vocals on this album, I feel like I've sort of graduated a level... can't wait to be done with this one - but of course that also means finishing the cover - my first really serious watercolor, which is a bit intimidating... but I think I can pull it off - we'll see, eh?

so... running madly, between hiding my head in the sand and checking the fig tree... I am gonna make some serious figgy chutney this year, I am...
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