still buzzing...

Apr 25, 2010 04:04

really high energy show tonight - and what a wonderful audience response! The hall was tough; very echo-ey and "live" - it took a good part of the first set to get the sound to settle down, and it was still not perfect, but Jim really did wonders taming the room to a dull roar... he deserves a sainthood and a really easy next gig for his work tonight!

It was BIG FUN playing the new music; I sang lead for the *second* time tonight, and I think 'Smells like Rain' came off nicely; it's really starting to feel more natural to sing lead (smiling sheepishly) - and oh, it was fun! The other new song that really felt like it came off well was 'Pleasure of the Sky' - that was SO much fun to perform!! and the audience just leaped in with both feet and joined us in the air - no little thanks to the "St Crispy Dancers" - three beautiful women in short coctail dresses who leaped up beside the band to dance and lead the audience response... I so hope someone got film (or at least photos) of them... oh! I might have some myself - my camera was out in capable hands for the evening, I just remembered! I'll post them somewhere when I unearth the camera, it's in one of the cars...

and.. I think we're a rock band now...

Anyway - wow, what an evening - and we capped it all by heading over to the Night Kitchen downtown for our usual 'midnight breakfast after the show'... that place makes *serious* goodies... mmmm, I especially loved the fries dipped in homemade mustard (that was my favorite of the three sauces they came with) - and after, key lime pie... even my non-sweet-loving tongue was enthralled, enraptured - *that* was pie...

it's been a good night - and now it's morning - I should find some sleep now! just don't want to say... good night!
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