I'm learning web design in a rather awesome progam (Web Foundations Fast Track) at Cascadia Community College - and I'm on a team that will be redesigning the Everett Public Library website (eee!)... this is their site now:
http://www.epls.org/ - it's *not* an online library, but has a catalog you can search of books you can check out online and pick up, information about events and services, that sort of thing.
Here are my questions and requests - for those of you who use public library websites (from either side, as librarians or as users or parents of users)- pick a couple questions from the list - don't feel you have to answer all of these :-)
- What do you see as the *main* purpose(s) of a public library website?
- What specific tasks or information would you go to a public library website to do?
- What do you think is too often missing from library websites (or missing from the Everett site in particular)?
- What do you think is the most useful tool/feature on a public library site?
- What do you find frustrating while using a library site?
- Please take a look at the Everett Public Library site, and note what works and doesn't work for you.
- Please suggest a couple of library sites that you think are great (functional and appealing) - and note what you like about them.
- if you'd be willing to help with usability testing (which won't happen for several weeks), email me at: sue at bonepoets dot com
Thanks for any feedback!