yes... it's been a time since I've written - so much that is good and so much that is hard, overcoming and celebrating; mourning and laughing and taking a deep breath to dive in and get things back into order.
I lost my job and am not sure what's going to come of that, started my next Big Art Project, saw my long distance loves, had hard talks and easy ones, frights that came to nothing, climbed a mountain, picked mushrooms and ate them, have probably experienced every emotion you could name within the last several weeks... it's been a big time. I'll be writing stuff, but it's still percolating - I love you, my friends and family and acquaintances... know that. So many of you are inspiring to me on a daily basis, I thank you for that, and I hope you know how amazing and wonderful you are...
here's a picture I'm proud of... this tiny lupin lives on the glacial moraine of Mount Olympus, I walked there last week...