I'm sticking around like the magnets on your fridge.

Nov 03, 2007 00:31

Today was one of the best days of my life.
I'm going to try to do it justice in this retelling but know one thing: no matter how well I describe it, it was a million times more awesome than you will ever know.

First I drove to Amber's in my boar-stained car. We took her new, bright yellow, PT Cruiser to Goodwill where we started The Great And Almighty Search for Vests. IT was sadly unsuccessful. However, we did find some finds like, two amazing Polaroid cameras for two dollars apiece and a thirty cent moustache which made for hours of laughter.

Then we drove to Dunkin where Amber stabbed me with a straw twice. Then we went to Salvation Army and had even less luck on the Vest Hunt. I did, however, buy an awesome Emily Psot etiqueete book. We also saw Tom.

From there we drove to Walmart and had giggles as we discovered the true nature of Polaroid cameras and batteries and film. Then we rushed to her car and took our first photos with our new cameras.

From there we drove to The Other Goodwill and purchased Friendship Rings.

Then we went to Salvation Army (The Other One). There we tried on silly vests.

*Note the friendship rings

After that adventure we drove to see the zebras at Star Trail and Osceola Drive which, if you didn't know, is where I lived when I was a little girl and also where the photo at the top of this was taken.

Then Amber out the first fuel EVER into her new car.

Then we drove (by my memory) to Gabe's house and had a lovely time catching up with him, Rosie, Emma, and Jacob. It was so wonderful even though, apparently, it was creepy.

Then we drove to Chilis and ate yummy foodz and then walked to the fair that was going on on the other side of the parking lot. We split a funnel cake and yelled, "BAM!" a lot while talking about a fair that we'd run one day in Europe which would be really clean.

Then we drove back to her house and I went to Mel's where we had some laughs and I beat her for once at WAR and we watched Neil on the Scream Awards. AND OMG. R.A. NELSON EMAILED ME BACK. omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg! I was FREAKING OUT. I STILL AM. He's so hot. He signed it Russ! Aahahahahhahahahhahah!!! R.A. NELSON, GUYS! R.A. FUCKING NELSON! EMAILED ME! AHHHHHHHHHHH!So, that was nice.

Other nice things came from yesterday's mail: my Neil Gaiman pin for which I paid $5 on eBay came from Canada. I love it. And my mom mailed me a card. :)

Now I am le tired.

polaroid, photo, r.a. nelson, melissa "tag me" martins, best friday evar, amber longo

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