I like this one. I fond it to be very true. For this reason I say that every man or woman must get away from friends and family at some point to stand alone. A friend will, as you said above, blind you to the truth at times wile an enemy speaks plainly. To leave what you know and stand alone can be a sobering experance that can teach much about yourself as well. I have enjoy doing just that by going to new bases and by having to meet new people. The time alone has given me time to look at myself with out the filter the past events my friends and family at home veiw me with. The hardest part of the situation is getting the poeple who know you best to change what they think about you after you come back differnt then they expect. This can be hard becuase they liked person you were before and even if the changes are good they may not like the person that comes out of wilderness to meet them anew. Others may be jealous of what you may seen but thats another topic. I find it best to at times becuase of this process of change to start my friendships over after a long time gone. To see how the poeple around me have changed and to give them a chance to do the same with me. Enough babbeling through. The best way to put my veiw on how the poeple around you can hold you back is this. (Excuse the biblical talk here) When Jesus went home he had no power to heal. The poeple had no faith. Is this becuase they could not see him as the son of God becuase they knew him as only the son of a woodworker. With us it's much the same. The poeple who have known us longest can not escape our past and hold us to a role, so how with out leaving them behind from time to time can we expect to move ahead?
Much love to you two,
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