WORST night ever...

Mar 07, 2008 21:32

I'm sure many of you knew by now (I was very very excited about all this) that for David's V-day Present I bought tickets to the Foo Fighters (with Against Me! as one of the opening bands) at the Forum. We were totally stoked. I really wanted a gift that would express just how thankful I was for all the love and support David has offered me especially because the past months with my shoulder have NOT been the easiest. It was really important to me to get him a great gift, and this was IT. He'd always wanted to see them and I could offer it to him. I scraped together the $120 for the tickets, especially because this was during the time where my financial security was still up in the air thanks to current laws regarding temp. disability and the like.

But I did it. We had the tickets and David was uber excited.

We get there and see a picket line. We call a friend and ask what the hell is going on because we were completely unaware of anything. Turns out the IA is picketing the Forum. We're IA members. Can't cross a picket line. We were unsure on our standpoint for the whole thing. We were patrons, not workers, but still.

We WALKED AWAY FROM THE GOD DAMN CONCERT. $120 dollars down the tube, David's Valentine's Day present completely down the tubes. It was absolutely HORRIBLE. I was seriously crying my eyes out on the way home because this had been super important to me. I felt like the worst person in the world.

I'm still not quite over the guilt. I beat myself up over it pretty badly. But I'm feeling a bit better. Today I went for lunch with an old friend (yay!) and we had a great time, and on my way back I stopped at a wine and cheese store and was hit with inspiration. David was always jealous when I go to girl's night at Peter and Jeffrie's because we almost always have wine and cheese. So I spent over an hour there with one of the girls behind the counter picking out different kinds of cheese and a bottle of wine. I walked away with one goat, one sheep and one cow milk cheese, and a Brie.

So...Wednesday tanked...BIG time.

Turned out to be a good surprise, and the wine I picked was really good as well. I was glad just to make him smile =)

On another note, one of my shows at school opened. I was the ALD for Midsummer Night's Dream and its finally open and my work is done till strike, with the exception of occasional dimmer checks. I think it looks good and the lighting designer did a good job. I'm just glad the agony is over because my shoulder has been killing me. They have me on new meds I have to be really careful about for nerve and muscle pain because within a certain time period of taking them I get really loopy. Yay fun.
I'm having some severe problems with pain and the nerves in my arm, so they also gave me my own tens machine....yay

On a plus note. I have presale tickets to see EDDIE IZZARD 08-08-08 at the Kodak Theatre! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

It makes things seem a little better. But seriously....shitty.
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