Title: Ghosts
SionnainCharacters: Scott, Rogue. Scott/Jean.
'Verse: XMMF, set post X2 and pre-X3
Rating: Teen
Summary: Scott and Rogue share ghost stories.
Request: rock and roll, motorcycles, and Rogue as a friend and team member (not as a student)
AN: Thanks to
Likeadeuce for the beta and the Scott/Jean song suggestion! K. Marie, darling, I know Rogue
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First, thank you. I know what Musa went through trying to get this story for me. *hugs you tightly*
It's just strange that it's the people in her head that keep her awake, and Scott can't sleep because he's all alone in his
Oh Scott.
Her fingers are pressed against the dark gleam of the fuel tank; the contrast is striking, even with the vague tint of red that colors the image from his mutation.
I'm in love with this image. Truly. Also, about three thousand others in this fic, but this is the most striking. Heh.
It's okay. I'm here because I heard this song, tonight. All I want is you. By U2?
This? This is where I flailed. Loudly. Cause this song? so very personally mine & J's.
But they're a team. And they'll get through it together. And that has got to mean something, something good and hopeful.
Yes. just, yes.
"Maybe we could get a deck of cards," she says. "For next time. Since makin' out with me in a car'd get you fired, and dead."
OMG HEEE!!! *squee* So sort of vaguely inappropriate, and kinda perfect. *Loves, so much*
Maybe that's the truth, or maybe he's just trying to give Rogue some sense of hope that the ghosts will eventually recede. Or maybe, hell, maybe that's what she's doing.
And that sums it up perfectly.
I love that she gets him the cd.
OH Sionn, this is perfect! And lovely and hurty and hopeful.
And yes, I am shocked. ;p
Thank you sweetie.
I love it.
Oh, thank GOODNESS! I was worried! Because I wanted you to have an awesome fic, and I was SO FLAILY (ask Musamea) about the direction this took, and I was going to tell you that if it wasn't what you wanted I'd write you another, but yay you liked it!!
Thank you for the feedback, this is so nice! And also, yes, I am glad that you liked the TINY HINT of inappropriate-ness (I tried to make them make out, really tried, but Scott insisted on the emo!)
I owe the brilliance of the song choice to likeadeuce :) But I'm really so glad you liked it, yay!
You totally shouldn't have been. And I know at least a little bit about the flaily. I got two lalalalala emails. Hee.
I love the TINY HINT of inappropriate-ness!!!
OH Scott. He's always doing things like that. *pets him*
I love it!
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