Title: There is a war
SionnainRating: PG
Fandom: X-Men, Movieverse. Follows the events of X3; contains spoilers.
Characters: Ororo (Storm) and Emma Frost.
Prompt: #78 The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil.--Hannah Arendt.
Summary: Thanks to recent events, Storm finds herself in
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She wishes Scott was here, or Jean. It’s lonely being the last one of them left, lonelier than she ever would have imagined.
This? This broke my heart. I'm sort of shamed, movie-Storm fan that I am, that I never saw it in quite these terms before -- but she and Jean and Scott and Xavier were the core of that team and now they're all gone and Ororo still has to keep the plane in the air.
Nothing but sleepless nights and a man in your bed who sees another woman’s face.”
Ooooh. . . now you know my brain, I went straight to Scott/Ororo, but then I realized the timeline was wrong and you mean Logan. And that's just hotness.
Oh, and obviously, your Emma rocks too. Your Emma always rocks.
Storm/Logan is one of my favorites--it's not written nearly enough. *g*
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it :)
Especially considering that they both slept with Scott after Jean died.
Oh wait, that's only in my brain, isn't it? Well, the Storm part anyway. I think Scott/Logan is in a lot of brains. What? I like vaguely incestuous grief!sex stories.
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