Hard Day's Night

Oct 10, 2008 18:28

There are certainly things about pregnancy that I would be more happy to forgo. This "too uncomfortable to sleep" thing, for instance? I could do without it.

Between last night and an entire day spent in a fog of overtiredness, I have gathered maybe 4-5 hours of sleep*. This is *really* hard for me. I'm taking time at home so I can get well-rested, not to be a zombie!

I recognize that part of my sleeplessness almost assuredly stems from my stresses over the work still to be done, both about the house and in that less tangible "prepared for labour/birth/baby" sense. Even still, between a sore back, leg cramps, baby kicks and hiccups, unwanted cat-kisses, car alarms, and all the rest, I am not getting the sleep I could/should be!

So today was a write-off**, and this evening I will do not much of anything as well. I will try to nap again, heedless of any sleep schedule, because at this point it doesn't matter if I'm up again early tomorrow morning so long as I don't have to face the Family Baby Shower on nearly as little rest as now.

*First one to tell me it's "preparation for when the baby's here" gets a boot to the head.

**I guess this, too, was a good reason to start mat. leave early -- I would have been calling in sick had I still been working!


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